
This is the most Raiders thing that ever been Raidered.

GOODELL: "I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue."

1. If jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, then how di-

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

I've been trying to upload a picture of the pickup version - commercial ones like your rollback are useful, which is the point of the 650. Same would go for a dumptruck, flatbed or any other industrial use. Ones like this are generally useless.

Probably because it's basically a CRV with a bed on the back that gets worse gas mileage.

Anything looking remotely like this. If anyone can come up with a purpose for this please chime in...

Bro Dozers. Big, loud, driven aggressively, rarely seen off asphalt, hard to get into. Pretty useless.

Ford Lightning. No 4WD, no stick, and lowered so that it can barely go over a speed bump.

Chevrolet SSR.

The Blackwood. You nailed it in one.

It looks so silly...

Don't know why, but I haven't been able to get images to display for about the past 12 hours.

This guy is a certifiable asshole. Who the hell names himself after the Ferguson PD?

LOL! Pizza and Reubens are two of my favorites. Yeah, I can make a Reuben cheaper, but I can't make just one cheaper. I can't buy two slices of rye bread, a slice of swiss, a single serving of sauerkraut, and a single serving of thousand island dressing for the cost of a Reuben at D'Bronx.( $6.50, I think).

Same goes

Seriously? What can't that Maynard James Keenan do!!???

Is it really too hard to read an article that is barely three paragraphs long?

Let's be honest about two things:

As a defense attorney I find this evidentiary standard troubling. It seems over broad and vague.

Information about cops being shot at, shot, injured, and killed already exists in several places, and is centralized by the FBI and multiple outside organizations. The data we're collecting is not tracked comprehensively by any government agency.