
if you can look at this situation, where a female critic is calling attention to trends of disturbing violence against women games and is then herself barraged with round after round of violent threats and insults, and come away with "this is a problem with writing" then i have to assume you're deliberately ignoring

Want to know what is even worse? A whole generation of people claiming that cultural objects are inert dead things that somehow are produced in a cultural vacuum, with those same people telling everybody "you're reading too much into it," ie the end of critical discourse

"I won't watch this; now let me criticize it!" - the most reasonable form of criticism known to humanity

Oh no! Somebody is critiquing your video games! You're so oppressed! Won't somebody think of the marginalized gamer?

Sweet strawman, friend!

You must have missed where tons of male developers talk about how little shit they get compared to their women colleagues. Not just in number but in graphic details about how they are going to rape them and their kids. You have to be wilfully ignoring it to not see it as a problem.

You seem to have missed the point.

No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.

Ugh, Food Babe. She is seriously the worst. A total hack who promotes pseudoscience, has absolutely no education in any kind of nutrition or food science (and yet holds herself up as some kind of authority), and basically does nothing but scaremonger and bully. Terrible, terrible person all around.

Please don't cite the freakin' "Food Babe" without mentioning she's one of those terrible scare-tactic food bloggers who is convinced that the evil evil chemicals in everything are going to destroy us and slowly poison us. She's a part of the Mercola army of idiots. She's the Jenny McCarthy of the food insutry.

Hi, ex-Starbucks barista here. I went to this article at "FoodBabe" (LOL), and I'm sorry but she's a fucking moron. You don't have to go to corporate (LMAO) or do "research."

Dihydrogen Monoxoide is a top killer, it is everywhere. people forget that.

FYI, "Monsanto Milk" is not bad for you.

Well, if this investigation is anything like her "8 Beers You Should Stop Drinking!" bullshit mongering, I'll continue to drink my pumpkin spice latte in peace. The Food Babe is an anti-science zealot, and an idiot to boot.

Mark Sanchez sympathizes, as he knows what it's like struggling to read.

God. I don't miss VHS one bit.

So which is it? Were they "electrocuted" or are they in serious to fair condition? You can't be both.

If you're a guy who gets hurt easily, you need to find another activity where there's not contact involved."

This is really touching. She'll be shooting significant others through bathroom doors in no time.

has been temporarily from her. Temporarily what?