I still don't believe it has 1029 HP.
I still don't believe it has 1029 HP.
It's all done under a lack of male gaze.
You would still have to separate the sexes at some point. Male size / strength would eventually make it impossible for mixed leagues.
Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.
I thought Purd Hapley was just a fabrication of Parks and Rec.
That would be an utter shit show worst than the original offense.
- "Muscle cars"
Or maybe set a big lowercase 't' on fire.....for 'time to leave'?
As an aside, I think it's stupid that the team was allowed to move all the way to Santa Clara and keep "San Francisco" in their name. I understand that's the direction that a lot of teams are heading in given the premium on urban space, but still. Is there any other team that's geographically farther away from their…
So when are they renaming to the Santa Clara 49ers?
No it's really unclear and you should just change it instead of defending it. The SF Giants and Candlestick are synonymous with bad weather, bad seats, and bad baseball. It's nothing personal, dude.
It would have been nice if Candlestick had been the former home of World Series victors, but in the nearly four decades the Giants played at the Stick they only won two pennants (1962 and 1989) and lost the World Series both times.
Candlestick Park was never home to World Series victors.
Where the fuck does this guy live if he's watching an Oregon night game in broad daylight.
You realize that SWAT teams have had tactical setups/kit for decades right?
No, it did not.
You're kidding right?
That time never existed.
Though she mentions being a member of a non-sanctioned group called the Young Mormon Feminists
Instead of tea bagging them we can maybe make an animation of the cops sprinkling Crack on their body