
so they're going for extreme realism here...can I shoot black 13 year olds holding candy bars?

I can't support police-militarization porn.

What a load of bullshit, cops know what they are getting into. There's zero fucking reason for a police department in small towns to have MRAP, let alone a SWAT team. You know what kills the most cops? Traffic accidents. Deaths of cops by gunfire is in the twenties or so last year. The rise of soldier cop needs to

I think it'd be great to keep Hardline about militrized police, but take a critical look at it as well. *cough* Spec Ops: The Line *cough*

Do your review things you have no idea about too?

First off - who says they're getting paid north of $100K a year across the board?

Second - why does the economic exploitation of one group of manual laborers excuse the exploitation of another?

I agree that something needs to be done but I still have misgivings. Given that consent cannot be given in the legal context when someone is intoxicated, under this new law, a man could be charged with felony rape for having sex with his girlfriend even though she wanted to have sex. Ditto for the woman if her

Looks like I was right, it promptly made it into a pool!

Also the SB Nation article says she pitched a "shutout," not a no-hitter, and the Phillymag article linked to by SB Nation says 10 strikeouts. So the correct description of the game should be "Shutout With 10 K's". Mo-Ne is not thowin' like a girl, but the Jez author is writing like one.

hey jackass, I think you're late for a Men's Rights meeting.

Now playing

I find Sony's advertisement to be quite bad in general. Their commercials had creepy baby doll, half empty skull, randomly exploding things, so on and so on. This is just the one that stood out the most for me.

Where's the double articulation, on this bus? Looks like single articulation to me.

"That can't have possibly touched the ground"

There are two types of people in this world: People who like Yuengling and people who are wrong.

No, not San Francisco. Cool to look at and run to ride (cable cars and other vintage trolleys) and the rest is fine to take if you're not in a rush, but not something we can rely on to reliably get around in a timely manner. MUNI's motto should be "better never than late."

Really, no Paris? I've got to say that Paris has always done pretty well by my standards.

You're right, if a woman starts an argument with you, punching her is much better than smoking pot or being gay. Stupid uppity women, amirite?

You lose credibly for arguing that the guy was actually threatening to anally rape her. It's certainly true that he shouldn't be making a rape joke (in this case a prepare your anus joke) but nobody seriously believed that to be a rape threat.

On that note, I am so pissed that XCOM doesn't have Shield support. WTF?