“You made me do it!”
“You made me do it!”
I don’t know why so many people are looking for Never Trump Republicans to suddenly seek some great absolution for their lifetime of evildoing simply because they profess to not like Trump. They’re still exactly the same arrogant, disingenuous pricks they were before; that’s what they’re paid to be. It’s literally…
Actually the arbiters of the Unwritten Rules look down fondly at being mad about hitting a home run. After all, you should be disgusted for bringing too much attention upon yourself and “killing the rally” with a grandiose dong.
IMO, most rich people don’t want to be seen. Most rich people don’t seek publicity the way Musk does. They want to enjoy their millions and billions quietly and with as much anonymity as possible. The fewer people in the world who know they're loaded, the better.
Anyone else originally think this was Bret Hart and not Brett Hull? Not just that their names are similar, they kind of look alike now.
“Well, it is finally official: tweeting is legal in the State of California.”
That’s what Jose Bautista thought...
The word was out almost immediately after the game that Klay and KD have a good chance of both playing in Game 4. That’ll move the line.
Tropago delenda est
Easy there, Warren Jeffs...
I mean, there’s still some overlap there.
It actually makes sense when you remember people like these two beauties are as stupid as they are hateful.
Nothing makes these guys more sensitive than when it’s pointed out to them how close the beliefs they peddle are to sounding like the beliefs of the people they don’t want to be associated with.
He’ll replace Freeze at Liberty once a power conference school hires him again in a few years.
There has never been a more clear cut example of the old saying “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile”.
It was a strange primary election. Lipinski’s district takes in a small piece of Chicago and some surrounding suburbs. (It favored Hillary over Trump by 15%, so it’s certainly not the sort of place where a Dan Lipinski is the best we can hope to do.)
I actively follow combat sports and I agree with you.
There’s validity to that point, but then I remember Roger Ailes saying that if Fox News had existed during the time of Watergate, Nixon wouldn’t have resigned no matter what. They would have fought tooth and nail using their propaganda outlet 24/7 to keep their voters in the heartland and their caucus in DC in line.
IDK man, that moment of wide eyed paranoia when he wakes up in the original GIF can't be matched.