I can already hear the drunken Islander fans calling this guy “Captain Cock”
I can already hear the drunken Islander fans calling this guy “Captain Cock”
LOL if you think you could convince an NBA team that being a respectable loser is a noble pursuit. Those lower seeded teams would actively try to get out of making the playoffs, and it would look even worse than the system looks now.
They meant wasted his entire career up to this point, not just last year.
Real justice would be Kraft getting all charges thrown out but the video of him getting a hanj leaks anyway and the whole world and God and Roger Goodell sees his dick.
Cersei has been off the deep end with no possibility of return since Tommen took his jump.
Think of what a fucking blowout it would have been with three dragons instead of just one!
Yeah but McCain ended up getting his ass kicked in that election. Conservatives don’t respect people who respect their opponents. They consider it a sign of weakness. I bet if McCain had acted more like Trump would have, even back in 2008, he would have fared better. The GOP base has been primed for this for a very…
They always start off “reasonable” before the mask drops.
I thought I read Shonda Rhimes bought the rights to the story to develop a show or miniseries out of it.
The Dems don’t need to win the old white demographic—-they just need to not lose it so catastrophically badly. Part of the reason Hillary lost—along with the mediocre minority turnout you mentioned—was her getting absolutely demolished in small, lightly populated white rural counties all over the country; red, blue…
I can totally hear 80,000 fans doing a call and response to this in a college football stadium.
You’re correct, but just on a universal level, all people, not just reporters, tend to bitch about those that make their jobs harder to do. So the media’s reaction to being stonewalled by Russ is understandable in that sense.
They dropped down a few months ago during the government shutdown, then popped back up to their usual levels as soon as that ended.
And the reason he’s not in jail is because his base doesn’t care.
Basketball’s regular season is pointless because everyone already knows who the good teams are gonna be when it counts.
They’ve set it up so that by the end of the show we can see her transformation from benevolent dictator to just plain ol’ dictator.
Collins is most definitely not a goner. Her approval rating in Maine is still over 50%. She’s also raised more money last quarter than the fund that Democrats set up for her eventual opponent raised.
It’s weird; I love Pope Thrower and Storm Duck, but Bear Spiker does nothing for me.
Leitch did his annual “10 oldest players in MLB” article and I was shocked to discover that now that Ichiro retired, there’s only one active player that was born in the 1970's, Fernando Rodney. The second oldest is Albert Fucking Pujols!