Miller is the administration official that most sounds like the talking heads Trump hears when watching Fox all day.
Miller is the administration official that most sounds like the talking heads Trump hears when watching Fox all day.
The scary thing is “that segment of the electorate” is at this point pretty much the entire right side of the spectrum. The “moderates” in the GOP are such a small minority as to be completely insignificant within their own party.
Oh for sure. I wasn’t complaining. Not every district is going to elect an AOC, a fact that I don’t think the writing staff of Splinter understands.
A little background on Peterson: He’s a longtime congressman from rural Minnesota. He represents a district where Trump got 62% of the vote. He only manages to hold on because of his personal popularity and name recognition, and even that’s starting to wear off (he barely defeated an unknown, poorly funded challenger…
Afghan Whigs doing Faded live, with Greg Dulli at his surly best
It could be both staggering AND common at the same time. An uncomfortable reflection of how deep our national psychosis truly is.
I’ve seen this show on in the waiting room in my place of work, so yes.
I like how “We’re going to pay people less because we can” is treated like some revolutionary breakthrough business philosophy.
LMAO he’s strung out on speed, eating Big Macs, watching cable news and tweeting. That’s not working. He’s not exactly productive during the daytime either. You should read more about Donnie’s “executive time”. The Trump White House really is a fucking day care center.…
Can’t argue that point!
But games like tonight, that’s the part where the Pats/MAGA telepathy everyone likes to talk about breaks down a little bit. New England, who as a lifelong Jets fan I fucking despise, are undoubtedly incredibly well coached and disciplined; everything Trump is not. Every one of those insane 3rd down passes were… this should be in any recommended stories re: football butts
The best part was learning that Andy was a kicker in high school.
C’mon Barry. You should know the whole point of being a billionaire is *not* having to “get it”. It’s about being so powerful and having the fate of all those around you at your mercy that you never have to change a thing for anyone else, ever.
All fanbases/alumni booster programs are filled with old rich dudes. Notre Dame’s are especially old and especially rich.
Even if they genuinely do earn it (and I think Sean McVay did), the fact that they were even given the opportunity to impress, to get the right sets of eyeballs looking at their resume, when so many others can’t even dream of getting their foot in the door no matter how smart they are or how hard they work, is an…
In 2018, at least the Dems won back a decent chunk of the “Never really liked Trump, but voted for him or voted third party because they hated Hillary more” crowd. Those voters put him over the top in 2016.
The Raiders location history is basically that of the ultimate west coast Boomer. 60's NorCal flower child —> 80's LA cokehead —> 90's aging hippie moving back home —> 10's retiring to Vegas to play blackjack all day until broke or dead
ESPN’s new streaming service ESPN+ for the most part, with a few select cards on the main network.