I would have thought Taxi Driver would go more with the aesthetic.
I would have thought Taxi Driver would go more with the aesthetic.
Look, I understand your concerns. Given the fact that Trump won the electoral college in the first place was so against conventional wisdom; that it’s understandable to expect the worst.
My family prefers fake trees. We owned our trailer for 21 years. My brother drives a very nice Chrysler 300. My parents recently put to rest a fake tree they had been using for 35 years. We were all pretty bummed about it.
Honestly, it’s time. Elizabeth Warren needs her own in depth story. This is just the feminist blog to do so.
Since when do colonizers wait for an invite?
“Let them eat cake” sounds better.
This is just too much, no real theme or song pattern, and everything has been electronically tortured to be in the same key, etc., so it just sounds too samey and blah.
I don’t know how this applies to my dog, who has been living happily on a farm for the last 42 years......
I tend to say that in the majority of human history, the poor were just literally starved to death. Whereas now, we have unhealthy, cheap, subsidized food where the poor are killed by diabetes or heart disease instead. And then blamed for it.
I get some much more work done each day by not wasting my time getting into other people’s business.
“There are many Christians who asked me if I would forgive Amber. I will leave my forgiveness for Amber to myself. God knows my heart,”
This is America.
Same here, I went back to watch Frank's reaction and i started crying. His dad disowns him but his adopted dad now understands him and it was fucking beautiful.
it was also a punchline, though
the whole episode, the Gang was trying to get Mac to “dance all gay” on their float, and despite his complete refusal to participate the episode still ended with what is objectively the gayest dance he could have possibly danced.
the fact that it was ALSO unironically beautiful and…
The season finale last year made me cry. It was amazingly beautful. The should never stop. Some needs to fight the nightman for all of us.
I agree with him. All games should have easy (and extremely hard) modes. It’s inclusive. It allows you to play the game you want to play. I know some people don’t like it because it can compromise some of the game’s artistic vision, but I feel an artist’s intent is important, but shouldn’t dictate how the media is…
“And we’ll keep this fight in court until you all are pretty much dead and we can get a judge to award your descendants and relatives literally tenth pennies on the penny.”
Seriously, if you wanna get scientific, just ban men.
There’s normally some sort of button on the strap to prevent the gun from being yanked out of the holster by someone else.
Great idea about detecting when the snap is released!