In E-Mail Chains, Chaos
In E-Mail Chains, Chaos
With a Company-Wide Email, a Question: To Reply?
At least he threw it in a dumpster and not on the side of the road. That would bring a tear to anyone’s eyes.
It's that sharp edge honed by years of being catered to that really sets them apart!
The sad thing is, this is how the world really works.
¡Muy Am-bien!
He did, but ultimately his request to trademark the crucifix was denied.
Marine here again. I can’t stand how conflated “the flag” has become with “the military.” I also can’t stand the knee-jerk “patriots” whose default position toward the military is genuflection, and anyone who fails to bend the knee is shunned. These are not the hallmarks of a free society.
Bloggers are secret millionaires. Thank heavens the internet is here to educate us.
American Kinja Warrior.
Monfils later proved the old saying correct by losing two arguments to the clock.
“Sand Knight” definitely sounds like a weirdly complimentary racial slur of some sort.
Las Vegas Nordiques. Get ahead of it from day one.
LMAO at some of those old-timey ass baseball players on your old team, Barry. I mean, seriously: Bartolo Colon?
Why bring the stick?
(clicks tongue)
As the $55m facility up there says: “No excuses.”
America’s leaders of tomorrow are performing 40 inch box jumps with 500lbs sitting across their backs thanks to this muscular thumb in a polo shirt.