

Because in conservative societies, crimes against companies are taken more seriously than crimes against people.

Launching just in time for Pokémon Day, February 27, The Wand Company has turned everybody’s favorite pocket monster prison into a $100 metal replica

There’s always this argument when loot boxes and legal battles comes up.
So I’m gonna lay them out.

Kinder Surprises and Egg Capsules are physical objects. You buy them and could arguably resell them as they are considered collectibles.

Banning players from FO76? Why are they rewarding bigotry?

The other 4 are leaving due to the nylon bag they got 

It would have been a more fitting punishment to just force them to keep playing... for life.

Yet none of your advise really helps people with those issues, telling people with social anxiety to “communicate effectively without being a fucking spaz” is not really the advise a professional would give.

Hey like I said, I’m only going off of what I’ve personally experienced. I’m not going to sugar coat it for fear of being labeled a misogynist or whatever buzzword is poppin. I... me... the person talking to you being 100% honest, find myself drawn to some black women I’m finding in the corporate world TODAY but not

Lol, this is so stupid. You act like people who are awkward are awkward on purpose. You advise only amounts to “stop being a fucking nerd you fucking nerd.”

I’ve always resented this. I always resented when people would say “that’s not black” or “you talk white”. They don’t realize how much they’re stomping on black excellence. So because I like to go in the woods and enjoy nature, I’m not black? Why are we pigeon-holing black people to only doing the same things, all the

1. Yea, they date Asian women. And if that fails...become an incel.

A few points from a Blerd -

You have no idea how much joy it brings me that you created an account just to make this reply.

I love the reaction of the guy who tries to pick it up. He looks like he was contemplating kicking the bird for nipping his arm. Then he sorta snaps outta it realizing all these people are watching.

I agree with you, that there should be more restrictions on them, however I still can’t foresee any situation where I, personally, wouldn’t qualify for one.

“Does he not understand that albinos classified as white, are white first foremost and always have been with few tangible exceptions.”

Yes, this annoys me because they claim it’s not racism that makes them say it, but it is racist in it’s meaning. You screaming the N word when upset is basically stating that “N-words are bad”, or “things that infuriate me”

Looking at this from a different perspective; I think it was for the best that it ended this way. He was a closet racist (like most are). Now his shame is public. He’s unlikely to drop his prejudices because of this loss, but at least, he will be treated for what he is now.