
Wow I was kind of willing just to point out that you were using coded language that’s pretty similar to “facists” but you were still making some good points. But now you’re just admitting to being ignorant.

Simply because a horrible thing stops and they remove the laws doesn’t mean that people change over night. “Oh

Dafuq are you talking about? People have been smelling/enjoying their food for thousands of years WHILE making “pig”noises. They only stopped in the last 800 years or so when westerners got their hands on our invention, the noodle.

You’re supposed to ride the chopsticks down the noodle as your slurp them up, so that the ends of the noodles don’t flip around.

I mean everyone is free to be offended by whatever. Its just a lot don’t look into the whole picture and only see one side. So while she has a point about how the subject of the anime is a bit degrading, she isn’t looking at the entire picture. That is to say, the subject of the anime vs the audience its intended for.

Nice straw man you have there, Straw Hat. If you can’t see the difference between provocative material in general and material that specifically sexualizes minors or encourages societal denigration of women and minority groups, I’m not sure what to tell you.

Exactly. Your taste is not my taste, your culture is not my culture and you feeling offended doesn’t necessarily mean I have to be offended as well.

You are over analyzing his video, just because that malphite wasn’t in the game that got him banned for 2 weeks, it doesn’t mean the point he was making is any less invalid.

It’s the same reasoning for watching other people play sports.

Mine looks like garage too.

Completely, it is no less of an attitude then TB gives in most of his reviews, satirical or not. This just comes off as TB not being able to take what he dish’s out and being whiny.

there are these things called vision wards and they let you see invisible things. I recommend giving them a try.

Wrong. It is absolutely a consumer's job to be aware. Checking who gets your money and the logistics of an event you are attending? thats not hyper aware. thats regular aware. If you got an email inviting you to a Conference for idk, Eating Watermelon, and it said TICKETS AT THE LOW LOW PRICE OF 150$. ACT NOW!

Do you

That's why companies, or organizations rather, have a PR group. If they were being called a scam, you'd be more inclined to prove why you aren't. These guys aren't doing that; being very secretive, almost to the point where if you got this from a politician you'd think they sucked at their job.

This is what happens when you aim too high.

Little video I found that goes into detail about this story:

So they ran out of money 3 weeks before the event and only called it off now? If not scam, then dangerously stupid.