
In other words, you feel like you’re doing what you can in a position of systematic privilege?

Iindigenous people are not u.s.citisens indigenous people are aliens of the u.s. this land was overthrown and now under occupation by these Europeans and their English legal system, indigenous are refugees in our own land ,as Dr . King stated , as El hajj Malik Shabass stated ,we didn’t land on Plymouth rock Plymouth

He was a convicted felon - fact.

Holy shit snacks what a load. First of all, “Fast Food” is a category that even some gourmet chefs love to indulge in from time to time, it has a place as a recreational treat and isn’t something that needs to be obliterated from the Earth to “save us all”.

The obvious troll is being obvious. Go figure.

I have a problem with how sex work is looked down on...