
Awesome post. It’s almost believable.

It’s funny how a paid writer considers themselves oppressed. I’ll have to let my dad he’s oppressing this paid writer, right after he finishes his 16 hour workday mowing grass

Who was executed? The guy that kept reaching for a gun that was told repeatedly to stop reaching for a gun? That guy? The guy that had his life in his hands and threw it away? That guy?

Nah. We’re in a reality where pulling a gun on a cop is defended by people that believe they understand morality and logic

Oh yeah. Cops are cowards. When you want to avoid danger, you become a cop. Up is down and black is white, right?

Listen. To be perfectly honest with you, I think you’re probably a good person but you need to address the hatred in your heart for people that aren’t like you. Im sorry you can’t consier anyone else but yourself for just s moment there is an entire world outside of yourself, and, unfortunately for you, that world has

That’s a healthy attitude.

Why do you hate black folks? Like, seriously? Why do you want all black folks to die? You seriously think that is defensible? You think it’s okay to be a reddit troll coming in here and spewing your breitbart hatred?

Fuc you, you racist piece of shit

She should be lynched for what she did. Fuck her

Fuck you, hitler

Was the anti semitism really necessary?

Don’t you have a klan rally to get to? Stop arguing with me and grab your kerosene

You mean it reveal hate in they heart

Sounds like you enjoy the word a little too much. Sorry to hear you hate black folks so much

What ever racist garbage. Crawl back into whatever’s Nazi hellhole you crawled out orb

At least we know you love the word and want it to be used

Well, by not believing anyone should use the word, you ARE telling black folks not to use it.

Should have read that post the other day about the female director filming rape scenes.

Yeah. Sex negative feminists.