
Turns out plantation owners can be killed by water.

As someone who has re-watched Daria recently, Jodie is absolutely the most fully fleshed out character outside of Daria, Daria’s family, and Jane. She might not get quite as much screen time as Brittany or Kevin, but that’s because 95% of the time they are just there to say/do something stupid for Daria to react to.

The day is mine! I’ll take Famous Titties for $400.

Darrell Hammond-as-Sean Connery

There are a lot of things I disliked about Batman v. Superman and Justice League but Affleck really wasn’t one of them. He’s fine. He’s clearly trying to play a more jaded, beaten down by life Bruce. The only “movie star” version of Batman that I think totally missed the mark was Clooney and I don’t really blame him.

and laura dern smashing that ship is way cooler than all of rise of skywalker.

I’ll do you one better and say The Force Awakens is a perfect summation of the fact that there was no plan; in that movie, Snoke shows up and he’s all mystery. The entire idea behind him is “we barely know who this is, but every Vader needs an Emperor, for reasons”, and he holds no dramatic tension beyond that. Rian

Indeed. The people who hate TLJ seem to think they represent majority opinion for some reason. Presumably because they all hang out together?

Except it wasn’t a mess from start to finish. It has issues, but it’s a good film overall.

For me the highlight of Simpsons’ background gags have always been the one liners shouted in the crowd of murmuring voices. For my money it doesn’t get any better than in the PTA disbands episode where Skinner and Krabappel are having their stage debate and Skinner just rubs his fingers together in the universal sign

1) Abandon your home.

Weird choice by Timmy Chalms, but why do we not talk more about how all of Billie Eilish’s clothes are terrible? I get that she’s young still and that she doesn’t want to wear tight-fitting clothes, but why does that necessitate that she look like a Long Island grandmother got run over by a Hot Topic?

How has “Bad guy from a ski movie” not come up yet? 

I’ve never been so happy to see an era of ‘popular’ films die off than the earlier days of Zack Snyder’s DC universe. It’s a short era with really only four movies in it (MoS, BvS, Suicide Squad, and Justice League), but man, thinking back, there’s probably only about 30 minutes of those eight-ish hours of films that

Yes. If the team was aware and confident of this back channel to Villanelle through Carolyn-Konstantin, instead of the complicated contract hit ploy, they could have just straight up asked Carolyn “Hey, can you get Konstantin to get Villanelle to give us a call/set up a meet?” It deflates much of the plot/intrigue.

The first season was good. And it did indeed have a plot focus.

I think this season has suffered from a lack of a strong season plot. The first season had one: find Villanelle. This season we got: find who killed old man Peel, oh it was the Ghost, find the Ghost, we got her and she was hired by young man Peel, stop young man Peel. I recognise that an undercurrent of the story was

I found it hilarious that Peel complimented V’s American accent as “Very precise” considering how truly bad it actually is.

I feel like the two of you aren’t understanding my complaint. I know Carolyn and Konstantin arranged the hit and there was no actual risk of some random other hitman killing Eve.