
Good point.  I have no idea actually, but yeah, maybe should’ve been a tiger or lion or something?

It made sense to me. Barbara started out just wanting to be like Diana, to be admired and envied, but it wasn’t enough. She was angry at those who made her feel powerless, so she wished for the power to take her anger out on those who made her feel weak, to become a predator.

Agree with all of this. I’m surprised by the negative reviews, I thought it worked better overall then the first movie, which felt like it climaxed midway with the no-man’s land sequence then sort of fell apart, but WW84 really took its time to build up its characters and give them proper motivation, climaxing with

One Piece, a brutal story of survival about a man whose leg has been torn off by a bear and his struggle to reattach his limb before the rot sets in.

Of all the self-satisfied call backs and references in Ready Player One, the “Zemeckis Cube” bothered me the most, basically for this reason. Lot of back-patting just for Back to the Future.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Marvel. Rise of Skywalker is bad, but its not nearly as bad as this or any of their remakes of animated classics. But I’m really just remarking on the stark difference in quality between their animated movies and their live action stuff, throughout the company’s history. Animated Disney movies

I don’t get it, Disney generally does fine in animation but their live action stuff (apart from Star Wars arguably) is consistenly terrible.  

I was always more partial to Dan Fogler in terms of poor man's jacks black.

I don’t think they did address the conversation between Carolyn and Villanelle, or why Eve or any of the agents on this team which is ostensibly assigned with tracking down and capturing Villanelle arent bothered by this fact and just keep doing their job as if they clearly had a job to perform. This show became

Oh god, no.

I dont care what the premise of their show is, those two have such great comedic chemistry that I’m down for anything they do together.

Yeah, I like both of them, but I’ve never understood what was funny about these characters.  I’m just not familiar at all with whatever it is they’re parodying.

I love the era of the big, wall-eyed Simpsons.

Boy you got a panty on your head.

I haven’t seen ROSW yet, but if critics are right, then what this debacle proves to me again is that narrative is entirely superfluous to these franchise movies, and all that really matters to the fanbase is the iconography and keeping it intact. We’re at the point where trailers are more important, as they reinforce

I find this unappealing.

Well, your mileage may vary I guess. But I thought the fact that they gave his actions context, that they tried to justify what he did without judgement, is a pretty provocative idea, and why so many reacted negatively to it.

I don’t know, I thought it was pretty dangerous and irresponsible. The protagonist murders rich people, his friend, his own mother, incites a riot, and murders someone on national TV. And, the movie doesn’t really condemn him for it. Pretty edgy stuff.

You said something stupid and I addressed it. And you’re right, I ignored your main point. I can’t argue with someone who compares Scorsese with someone like Feige and can’t see the distinction between them.

He’s the head of Marvel Comics now, so yeah, they kinda are now.”