
You tell them.  You’re the one saying that none of this is worth caring about.

I think you can form a valid argument for the creative merits of someone like Kevin Feige in comparison to George Lucas or Martin Scorsese. I don’t really know enough about Feige and his role in these movies to make that argument. But at the very least in the case of Lucas and Scorsese, you can say the movies they

It’s not.  I think it’s an important prerequisite in most cases, but that’s just my opinion, and I think the crux of Scorsese’s reasoning for why the Marvel movies don’t count as cinema.

Yeah, Lucas thought of his films as episodes in a set of trilogies, and planned it that way by the time Empire came out. But the entire thing was still his baby, a series of films meant to tell one long self-contained story. He was more than the producer, these movies were his idea. The Marvel films are not that at

Of course its fine. Everyone’s opinion is fine. You’re not really saying anything, but I guess that’s very Saitama of you.

I don’t think it’s reasonable to compare the marvel movies with the original star wars or the dark knight trilogy. Yes at the end of the day these things are about money, but in the case of star wars and and the nolan batman movies, those were very much driven by a single person’s creative vision, unlike the Marvel

Well, yeah, obviously it’s just his personal opinion.  Pointing that out is sidestepping the argument. The point is whether you agree with that opinion.

Yeah, but with Tool and other artists, they make the wait worth it. I like Jesus is King, but its short, and everything Kanye released after Yeezus, Life of Pablo, Ye, and Kids See Ghosts, felt underdeveloped.  If anything, he needs to take longer between albums.

The hell are you talking about?  This dude releases an album like every 6 months.  It's not like he's Tool.

Closed on Sunday is one of the best songs on the album.  Whatever.  I like Kanye but I've had to learn to accept his often terrible lyrics.

Thats...really the only place this story could go, right? Unless they want to bring in robot legs Darth Maul.

Supposedly, The Batman will be set in the early 90's.  So if that's true, they could meet.

Well, that’s kind of ruined by the teaser with Skinny Pete, where he's being interviewed by the cops and basically admits he saw the news and knows what Jessie's been through.  I still dont think they'd go to jail though, right?  At least I hope not.

American cat woman, dur- dur, stay away from meee-ee!  American cat woman, dur-dur, mama let me beee-ee!  Thats my Lenny Kravitz joke everyone.

I really want to see this dopey ass mess.  Screw Joker, one for Gemini Man please!

It doesn’t even make sense, aren't all people made out of other people?

Meh, he seems pretty happy.

I think it’s weird that movies with such massive appeal would even have a nerd fanbase to defend them.  The comics themselves, sure, but these movies have basically become a separate entity.

I like Superhero movies, but for the most part, I dont think he’s wrong. Or at least, without getting into whatever “cinema” is, they’re not good movies. They’re empty spectacle, as hollow as that Lion King remake.  But empty spectacle isn't unprecedented in "cinema".  I mean, people used to go the movies to see a guy

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but if this is a sample of it then I probably wont watch. I think what’s off here is that it feels like Zac and Paul clearly know each other and are friends, and they’re both taking very soft, non specific polite jabs at each other. It doesn’t feel like theres any real animosity or