
Thats a good one. I haven’t gone too deep into theories yet concerning the ending, but whether he’s dead or not does not seem as important as the fact that Tony had become a completely irredeemable monster, was maybe always a monster, and was never going to change.  Pretty sure he is dead though.

This isn’t funny. I’m not sure why exactly, and I’ve liked between two ferns before, and like both Rudd and Galifianakis. But none of that was funny.  Does anyone else feel the same way, or is there something wrong with me?

I could've watched an entire episode of Meadow trying and failing to parallel park.

I'm sure it is.  I just think it's weird to end the show with Tony having a sudden hankering for burgers and onion rings. Just a weird choice.

Finally finished watching the Sopranos last night. Weird way to end the show...

I agree that Forky’s “I’m trash” thing was dropped too easily, and the idea could’ve gone somewhere interesting had it been explored (though it kind of explores this idea through other characters). He basically dropped it as soon as Woody explained that Bonnie see’s him the way he see’s trash (or something like that,

...cause it’s an animated show.

More like Marriage Borey amiright?

Gonna have to give this one, as they say, a hard pass. Noooooo thank you.  Also, the Squid and the Whale was a comedy??

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a Batman franchise that’s built entirely on the backs of its villains. One of the best things about the animated series was how well it put its villains in the spotlight.

I’m more annoyed by this guys awful presentation skills, pausing before something and ruining it, rewinding so that we could watch something again and repeating what we had already heard.  Terrible.

“the first incel folk hero”

I'm aware of its origins, and that the show meant it as a tongue in cheek joke.  Still seems gross.

I don’t know why exactly, but the phrase “6 seasons and a movie” is so viscerally gross to me. It’s almost nauseating. Does anyone feel that way?

I just want to preface that I have not seen this special, so I have no idea if its actually funny or not. But if a big part of the critique against Chappelle is that he doesn’t “punch up” with these jokes, I think we have to acknowledge that “punching up” is sort of an ambiguous concept at the moment. Think about

God, I am so sick of all these movies about deaf state troopers.  So formulaic!

Yeah, lets hash this out.  Its not like we can wait for the goddamn movie or anything.

Here’s hoping he finds that wood-working studio he was dreaming about.

Pretty sure they didn’t murder Brock.  They said they’d come back for him if Jesse didn’t behave.  If there’s any character I feel worse for at the end of Breaking Bad, its poor little Brock.

I have a feeling this is gonna be really bad.  "It was Palpatine the whole time" is such a hacky idea, even by Abram's standards.