
That’s odd. Normally church clothes are nice.

how was this an all-time great? select scenes were wonderful, but it mostly felt like treading water and endless blunt “hey look at these two, remember how they know each other?” moments.

It would be the greatest shame imaginable in a trilogy. But now that we know Disney had NO plan for the trilogy and really just left it up to each writer/director to figure out what happens next, I’m very worried Abrams will ruin what made TLJ so great.

Hopefully they also include his resurrection, where he rises like a.....thing that rises from ashes or something. 

what’s your point, dude

He meets a nice doctor, they fall in love, settle down in some quaint abandoned warehouse and adopt some rescue hyenas.

See?  We already got the origin story locked down. 

No, he wouldn’t.

Be funny if this ended up being a really great, violent lyrical masterpiece. A triumph.

 You know who would make a great Batman villain?  The Contrarian.

Awful good!

.....I’ll show myself out. But seriously, and with all due respect, I think this looks fantastic. To each their own.

Marc: “Joker, did you used to hate me?”

Marc Maron plays a detective hunting down the Joker in a quest to hear his story about the time he met Lorne.

I’m really intrigued by the implication of this trailer, that he becomes the Joker not because of a single bad day, or a fall into a chemical vat, but he is instead driven to become the Joker through the accumulation of many disappointments and pains and losses.  I’m definitely interested in this one now.

I’m all in on this. This is what the DCEU should’ve looked like from the jump, and what it should look like going forward. I’m still willing to bet that this movie does well and is combined with whatever Matt Reeves is working on.

keanu reeves is in reality the person that johnny depp thinks he is.

Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

Finding out Keanu Reeves is a genuinely nice guy makes the world seem slightly less shitty.

Hope this raises the value of my Methuselah rookie card.

I don’t know that I could defend Aronofsky’s Noah as a good movie, exactly, but I find it kind of fascinating in how it tries to be a religious movie, a dark character study, and some kind of weird climate change metaphor all at the same time.