
What are you talking about?  “No.  Muy facil.”

Screw the Meg, I saw Sorry to Bother You. It was good! An exhausting mess that loses a lot of steam two thirds of the way in and then just keeps going and going, but its also the most unique, funny, and bat-shit crazy movie out right now.

She’s fine. I mean, the role didn’t really call for much, she just had to look tough, do some karate, and not talk. The only disappointment with her was how quickly John Wick dispatched her after so much build-up.

That sounds about right.

This is about the best I could’ve hoped for with this series, something sporadically funny but mostly mediocre, with pretty good voice acting. As heretical as it is, I don’t count myself as a huge fan of Futurama, and more and more it feels like those first ten seasons of the Simpsons were just lightning in a bottle,

Damn, Mackenzie Davis is ripped!  I gotta say, I dont like Linda Hamiltons hair in this photo.  It looks very suburban mom, but who's also arty and uses a lot of glitter.

What? Look, I like Kilmonger, but Thanos would obviously clean his clock in less than a second. I’m surprised Michael B. Jordan wasn’t just like, “thanks, but thats the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Hot damn, I am so stoked for this!  I can’t wait to see Rebecca Ferguson kicking ass again.

Eh, thats not that great a rationale.  The 80's were when we were at our best, and simultaneously, at our worst?  You can say the same thing about almost any goddamn decade.

Are you serious?  Cranston was the only actor even trying in that movie, everyone else was a snooze compared to him.

“y’all are too fat for parole so I wouldn’t bet that”

Doctor Who? More like Doctor WHO CARES!

I like Terry Crews, but...theres something weirdly familiar about this feature. As if it already happened. Then again, a lot of the AVClub has been feeling that way lately.

Hmm...okay. (walks the fuck out)

Yes! The plot was a total mess (she wanted to legalize supers so that she could make them illegal again, even though they were already illegal? What?) And just generally, the whole movie was this weird mixture of incredibly ambitious setpieces and direction with totally offputting and bizarre storytelling and

Yeah, I don’t know who decided Ali Wong is funny, but goddamn, she is not funny. Not even in a comedy is subjective kind of way, she is objectively not funny.

Thats ridiculous, as if SJW’s could stop anyone from watching a movie. If the movie failed, its because people didnt want to watch it, not because SJW’s told them not to.

Yeah, there’s nothing in the words “slow” and “introspective” thats meant as a judgement of quality. I meant it as a simple, non-critical description, but somehow you assumed I was saying that if you, quote,didn’t like the Blade Runner movies then you’re just too dense”. Thats not what I said. Slow and introspective

Ok.  Did I say any of that?  I wasn't debating the quality of Bladerunner, I said that movies of that kind don't generally make a lot of money.

It might've hurt it.  The bad press associated with the whitewashing controversy certainly didnt help its reputation.  But I didnt say casting was the only reason it failed, just one of them.  The biggest reason it tanked was probably because slow, introspective scifi doesnt tend to make money anyway.  None of the