
Yeah I know, based on the logic that a recognizable actress would make the movie profitable.  It didnt, thats all I'm saying.

Those colony scenes were so frustrating. The entire time I was thinking, why don’t they just swing those pick-axes at a few of those guards, take their guns, and revolt? There weren’t that many guards, they easily outnumbered them, and they had nothing to lose.

I don’t doubt that might be the reason Scarlet Johannson was cast, but it seems like a pretty flawed strategy now.  Casting Scarjo didnt do Ghost in the Shell any favors.

It doesn’t help that the show already broke the seal on showing a character escape from Gilead, and wasted it by making it look too easy, with Moira just stealing a car, then walking across the Canadian border. If they’re going to have June try to escape again, they need to build it up so that June is taking control

Thats a good point. I just think that, if we’re going to rake them over the coals, some of us have to acknowledge our own hypocricy for doing that now, and not getting up in arms when it was done in the past. When Jared Leto did it I certainly didn’t care or view it as offensive, I just took it as the kind of vain

I don’t know. I can understand why people would criticize this casting choice; trans actors need more work and exposure, and since I don’t give a shit about the business side of Hollywood, I’m not going to defend casting Scarlet Johansson in this role just cause she’s famous. At the same time, I don’t think she or the

Thats a pretty fucking awesome opening.  I’m probably not gonna watch this because I’m not in the age range for this, but credit where credit is due.

Not only is it in character, it’s also completely fucking foreshadowed in the Force Awakens. This is a man who cut himself off from all of his friends, and fucked off to live in solitude on an island, so of course he was going to be cynical, and pessimistic, and hopeless. This is what bothers me most about these

...when you are working on a brand or product that people are paying for, you should have respect for your client/audience.”

So theres not even a chance that Venom could pop up in one of Marvel’s movies, since they technically exist in completely separate universes? Admittedly it would be weird to see Tom Holland’s version interacting with this thing.

Maybe that’s what they’re hoping is going to hook audiences to this franchise, “hey guys, Spidey’s not going to be in this movie, but who knows, he might ‘swing by’ for the next one!  Not saying he is, but you never know!

The presence of Tom Hardy gives me some hope, but I’m almost positive this won’t be good. Sony’s trying to get this Spiderman adjacent universe going, and I expect they’ll just use this movie to set the table for future entries in the franchise.

Don’t they still technically own Spiderman?  Why can’t they just use him?

When does the new flcl get good? I’m only up to the 3rd episode, and so far, it sucks butt.

I watched it too out of curiosity.  I didn't think it was funny, or especially insightful.  But I came away liking her at least, and I liked her message of 'getting in the way'.  

Yeesh.  Maybe just a few of the folks from Face-Off.

Aww shucks, that ain’t no fun.

What if you're listening to hip-hop, and you just want to rap along to your favorite tune?

“Have you read a brief history of time?”

I think its the difference between a joke and just trolling. A lot of offensive internet memes feel this way, they prioritize being shitty over being funny.