
Sad.  Sad, sick, and frankly, pathetic.  But enough about my life, this is a pretty dumb idea.

I just came back from watching it, and, while I liked it, I’m not sure it totally landed for me. Things just felt off, the characters, the plot, which I’m not sure made a whole lot of sense. The whole thing is very incoherent, but it all blurs past you so quickly that you enjoy it despite its flaws.  But there were

Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as saying he was an asshole...he just seemed really childish.  Like Homer Simpson childish.  But he still tries to be a good father and supportive husband, and he's genuinely frustrated by his failure, so I came away confused by what his arc was supposed to be.  I don't think he had one.

I used to, and still do, have an interest in art deco and early modern architecture.  So I checked out the fountainhead, and now any joy I get out of modernist architecture has been spoiled by its association with that book and its terrible ideology.

I’m really hoping this takes place after they’ve graduated high school, and isn’t just taking place in the same setting. It makes sense to me that Daria and Jane might take separate paths, but I could see Daria and Jodie going in a similar route and becoming closer friends. Jane better still be in the picture though.

“Park officials are mum on just what to expect from this new ride, except to promise new dinosaurs that haven’t been seen, enhanced storytelling and scenery, plus new technology.”

No ass and skinny, skinny legs. I can’t tell if he’s supposed to be wearing jeans or those trendy sweatpants with the really low crotch that Justin Beaber sometimes wears.

Wear a bandana or strip of cloth around my forehead, Rambo style. Also, y’know that thing in party movies where some guy is wearing a tie around his head? I’ve done that. It did not turn me into the life of the party.

Yes, but also because explaining that this was made by a bot waters down the absurdity of the joke.

I read the script before I read the tweet, and I thought it was pretty funny anyway. The bot thing actually made it slightly less funny.

Oh my god, I hate this kind of dialogue. Every line doesn’t need to be a quip! I feel bad for the waiter having to deal with that bullshit.

I don’t think that captain splendid was saying that artists can’t be rational, just that, as an artist and someone known for traditional animation, its not really miyazaki’s job to have a rational opinion about AI. I don’t have the full context of this thing, but if they wanted his honest opinion and thats what they

I’m saddened by the decline of 2D hand-drawn animation as well, but I don’t think it will ever completely disappear. Maybe for feature length american films, but theres plenty of traditional animation coming out of japan and other countries, and it still holds a large place in the world of television and cartoons,

They worked really hard to normalize the Joker’s appearance. It’s like what the MCU does with the appearance of all it’s various characters, making them all adhere visually to the same military/tactical inspired design principles so that they don’t clash. Similarly, they took the look they applied to the Joker and

Well, then what are we supposed to do about them?  

It might be throwing gas on the fire to insult them, but at this point, what difference does it make?  We’re dealing with people who think its reasonable to harass women online because they didn’t like a Star Wars movie.  If they thought that was okay, are they even worth being treated with civility?

“Art”. Right. Thats what these nerds care about.

Oh my god, what the fuck is warner bros doing? How do they just allow this kind of clusterfuck to happen?

I haven’t been this proud of being a San Diegan since the masturbating kony 2012 guy. Dave Scott is a goddamn local treasure. All of his interviews are this weird and awkward because the man has the curiosity and shamelessness of an 8 year old. Every Sunday morning, they just let him loose to cause chaos around the

Just personally, I’ve never really found political comedy very funny. I liked the Daily Show because it aligned with my political beliefs, and it made me feel good about being a progressive because we had the best, most cleverest zingers, and it reaffirmed the idea that the other side were a bunch of amoral monsters.