
Yeah, same. Not perfect, but a breezy, entertaining experience overall. I liked it more than rouge one anyway.

Oh my god, you’re right. There’s a lot of random and sudden camera zooming during many of the fight scenes in Man of Steel, but I could not for the life of me understand why he did that. Now I get it.

Bond had the 60's though, he had the good part. This is 80's cold war. Who’s Diana gonna punch in the face, Chernenko? Yawn.

Man, enough with the cold war already.  The cold war was booorriiiinnngg.

Honestly, if the movie just starts from there, in total darkness with Fett in the belly of the sarlac, it would automatically make this the greatest movie in film history. I’m already imagining a version of this movie way more awesome than what we’re likely to get.

I sometimes wonder, since his goal seems to be to turn games into interactive movies, where Cage gets his concept of narrative from. Because he has incredibly cheesy dramatic sensibilities, and seems to have no ideas of his own other than to transplant already familiar genres into game forms. It kind of feels like

I noticed that painting too. Its like, how obvious, cliched and heavy handed can you be?

I would have been made about this not being a straight adaptation had Zack Snyder’s thing not come out.  Considering how much that sucked, I’m all for them doing something different.  It would suck not to see any of the old characters though.

So thats what Matt Groening looks like. I thought that dude who I saw at the in-n-out and stared at for an uncomfortably long time was famous, I just wasn’t sure why.

Oooh, look at me, I’m a humorist! 

I think its supposed to make her look like a leaf-nosed bat?

It looks like a repurposed Clint Howard sculpture that the artist accidentally sat on.

I know, thats why I’m asking.

Is the show really as right wing as people are making it out to be? I’ve only seen the first two episodes, which I thought struck a pretty balanced perspective (Roseanne is somewhat the audience identification figure, and Jackie is played up as a buffoon, but they still recognize that Roseanne is an intransigent

I like Hellboy 2 a lot more as well.  I thought I was completely alone in that regard.

I haven’t called anyone any names. Don’t accuse me of doing things that I haven’t done. And unless you’ve been policing every conversation about TLJ thats occurred here and keeping records of them, I doubt you could tell me with absolute certainty that every critic of TLJ has been respectful (considering some of the

What? Thats totally wrong. Just search “the Last Jedi+Feminism” on youtube and you’ll get a thousand psychotic rants accusing its fans of being SJW’s and consumer whores.

This seems like the most measured critique of The Last Jedi. I loved it for the risks it took, and I admit the movie is all over the place in terms of quality, but not for those reasons that fanboys like to point out. The weirdest ones to me are the ones concerning Luke Skywalker, which seem to be based on some

Very cool.

So, its like ReadyPlayerOne, but for rock music?