
Yeah yeah.

No, but its pretty dumb to equate something like a minority scholarship with the kind of racism and discrimination that white people have perpetrated against persons of color for so long. I have no interest in taking somebody who believes that seriously. You can’t create dialogue with somebody that obtuse, and I

Well, those people are dumb.

You seriously need me to prove that to you?

I disagree that it wouldn’t hurt women, and the fact that it happens so frequently is what makes what Duvernay is doing so necessary. So no, I wouldn’t defend him. Like I said, I don’t think they’re the same thing. You keep making the same obvious comparison as if I hadn’t already acknowledged and disagreed with it.

I don’t know. I still think people are freaking out over nothing. Duvernays decision isn’t meant to threaten men, its just an effort to provide more opportunities for women. The difference is her statements do imply discrimination, but she was only responding to the accusation that some jackass threw at her. It wasn’t

Yeah, men are really hurting for opportunities. This is really gonna hurt men everywhere.

Oh please. Comparing a single women’s only screening of Wonder Woman to the horrors of antisemitism is the dictionary definition of ridiculous. This shit is not the same thing as decades upon decades of white male domination and discrimination against women and people of color. The intention behind this and the context

It is when it’s motivated by spite, and a simple contrarian impulse to ruin a good thing that could help a lot of people. Its the same shit that motivated that one idiot to sue the Alamo Drafthouse for their all female screening of Wonder Woman, or the simpletons behind things like “white lives matter” or “reverse

I defend Duvernay’s effort to only hire women for her show, a much needed corrective in a male dominated field with very few opportunities for women...and I’m sexist. * huge eye roll*

Oh totally, thats the only part I took issue with. She really should’ve kept quiet about it. But to bring some petty lawsuit against her for this would be completely missing the point of what she’s doing.

Well, I don’t think it is.

Well, I don’t think YOU understand what I’M trying to say. I think what you’re saying is that you think theres irony, or hypocrisy, in the fact that Duvernay is discriminating against men the same way women have been discriminated against by men throughout history. I’m saying its not the same thing.

Nobody said that you can’t be white and marginalized, but the point is that within these industries, movies and tv, women and people of color are much more likely to be marginalized than white men, who make up a majority of the field. In this case, the issue is specifically about women. Neither the poor, nor the

Uh, yes, I agree. That was kind of my point. Did you not read the rest of my comment?

As the Dude said, “you’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole”.

So, I guess people are gonna get mad about this too huh? Cool cool. I mean, why though? You could interpret this as discrimination if you want, I guess, but there are such things as self selective groups. I’m not gonna get mad at a black fraternity, or a lamaze class , or at a lawn bowling club, for not accepting me

Yeah, the video is fucking cool, but I think it just proves that an Akira movie really only works as an idea or as a series of images. You lock it down to a narrative and it just gets boring. It really needs the kind of approach that George Miller took with Mad Max Fury Road, or the Wachowski’s took with Speed Racer,

I think the show is very watchable, but yeah, its a little bland.  

Am I the only one who thinks Robert Downey Jr looks really dumb in that picture?  He looks all like, “sup bro”.