
Oof, yeah, thats very close to home for me. Tracy reminds me of so many dudes I used to know who, while probably good hearted, were just dumb jerks who never knew when to shut up.

Sure, but even then he only made that decision out of fear. He looked completely uncomfortable, not to mention bruised and bloody, posing for a photo inside that gas-station.

I was hoping Earn would have something to say about that during his conversation with Al, but Earn seems too invested in being wounded to defend himself. Earn’s kind of a shitty manager, but he puts him some effort, and he knows Al. I think Al’s gonna regret dropping Earn the same way he regrets dropping his barber,

Is this real?  Oh my god.

A-fucking-men. My expectations for this movie are super high, not least of which because I’ve been a huge fan of Ari Asters short films.  But I am so prepared to be disappointed by this.

Man, she is just the fucking coolest.  I wish I was as cool as her.

The cognitive dissonance of this whole thing has just been too much. I’m glad he’s getting what he deserves, but this whole thing has just been skin-crawling.

I guess thats kinda where Im coming from too. I dont care too much about Venom one way or the other, but to Venom fans, it totally looks like theyre getting what they want. Which I think is admirable, because they very well could’ve gone the Josh Trank Fant4stic route with this and done something that tries too hard

I think the special effects look fine. But if your main point is that this doesnt look like a smart take on the character, well, theres really not enough here to make that judgement, and if its just based on his look, again, thats just Venom. Black goo, murder tentacles, thats all inherently Venom. And anyway, what

Well thats the thing, you’re not. You kids have it too good these days if you think thats bad.

Yeah, I do not understand the knee-jerk hate. It might very well be bad, theres a good possibility, but theres nothing in this trailer to suggest its gonna be bad. Its pretty standard as far as superhero trailers go.

I’m completely baffled by everyone complaining that the Venom cgi looks really bad. Say what you want about the design (what are you gonna do? Thats just Venom), but that is some highly convincing, realistic looking cgi. Thats not bad cgi. This is bad cgi:

Why arent I watching Brockmire? Because the shits called Brockmire. I’m not watching no goddamn show called Brockmire.

An anime about a guy who decides to live his life as a sword...can’t be worse than Black Clover.

What...the fuck? Why would you I assume I’ve never heard the expression “boomshakalaka?” How does taking issue with the writing style of this review lead to the assumption that I’m just not familiar with the expressions he used, especially one that was so ubiquitous in the 90's? Its not that I’ve never heard that

Oh golly jeepers, was that a baskey-ball reference? Boy oh boy, I guess I’m just too dumb to understand such sophisticated sports lingo huh? I don’t give two fucks about “thunderous dunks”. I’m not criticizing the writing for making sports references, I’m criticizing it because the lines I pointed out sound like

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one confounded by that line. Then there’s this one:

Has her career taken a nosedive?  I’d assumed she was still comedy royalty.  If it has taken a nosedive, I don’t think its because of her lack of talent.  She’s the poster-child for women’s empowerment in comedy, that position is way too much to bear for one person.

Normally, I like these two, but thats the most narcissistic thing I’ve ever heard of.

So, this was fine. I would even say good. I mean, there was a lot of stupidity, but thats pretty routine for this show, and at this point I’m willing to forgive a lot, simply because it would be way too tedious to go through every single dumb thing. But this was a fairly satisfying finale in a broad, cartoonish comic