
Who the fuck is Tim Miller?

It looks like competent fun, which is worse than dumb fun.

The one good trailer? What was good about it, the .0023 seconds we get of Donald Glover in a fur coat? This is the first Star Wars movie where I’m just like, “meh”. Which, whatever. It’s gonna make money regardless.

Yeah, because Indiana Jones is, if nothing else, a completely realistic portrayal of an archaeology professor.

*looks at header photo*

Why do all these dude bands look alike? Seriously. They all have that jeans and flannel, wind-swept, pacific northwest look. You’d think one of them one would try something different.

I don’t know...seems to be working out pretty good for him.

Wow. I gotta say, I’m impressed.  If this is what you kids want to do, I say follow your dreams.  Reach for the stars and be the best damn condom snorter you can be!

My biggest issue with these types of stories, about robots and artificial intelligence, is that as soon as its confirmed that the robots are sentient the story loses all its nuance, and it just becomes another slave parable.

Of course we see these kids as admirable, because we agree with them. But what if they were arguing for looser gun control laws?”

I think the difference here is that those were mainly just jokes, right? Mean jokes, but nobody meant to attack Barron (well I don’t know, maybe some people did, but I don’t think most people took that serial killer shit seriously, and if they did they’re idiots). But these are legit attacks on these kids, they are

Good luck to you as well. I feel like we learned something here.

Man, I havent been in this much disagreement with a review in a while. I thought this was the best episode so far of the season. I think Atlanta can sometimes over-reach and go too broad, but by just focusing on something small and expanding it to ridiculous proportions, it felt specific and unforced in a way that

I make it a point not to bring up politics in front of most people, especially not at work, so I wouldn’t know what other people’s views are. But you’re right, people have other shit to do, lives and interests that have nothing to do with politics, and I don’t want to come into conflict with the people around me based

My comments weren’t meant to address moderate Republicans, my comments were meant to address Trump supporters. There’s nothing moderate about Trump, he’s as right wing and extremist as they get. By definition, anybody who continues to support him and his views is not a moderate. A moderate Trump supporter, at best,

This is so, so mean. I was already laughing, but “very sad, very white” took it over the top.

Oh, that was just satire? Ok, sure buddy.

Look, I get that I’m dehumanizing Trump voters by calling them scum. I’m sure they’re very nice in real life. But I don’t know these people, I can only judge them on their political views, and on that front, they are scum. You’re asking me to sympathize with them, but why should I? Why should I sympathize with a bunch

I’m surprised the “white cube” has hung around this long. Aren’t we way past the ideas of modernism? Shouldn’t we be at, like, post-post-post-post modernism by now?
