

Cary Grant of our time. Yup. Not a very good actor, not that attractive, but nonetheless a very charming dolt.

I think my biggest regret in life is never having tried the Naked Chicken Chalupa. That one's gonna haunt me till the end of my days.

They still make easter egg versions of those every year.

I don't know. I thought he always seemed a little too eager to ditch his friends, for something he obviously felt was much more exciting. Didn't he even express at one point that he was losing interest in school, and maybe wouldn't even go to college? And I still don't think his activities as Spiderman were driven

Thats one way to interpret it, but I also think that line can mean that one has the responsibility to use their powers for the good of others, and not for personal gain or fullfilment. The way I see it, Peter through the entire movie was more driven by a need for validation than by a desire to help others, and it's

Yeah, there was a lot of that in the movie, situations where he would have to a make choice, but then avoiding the consequences of those choices. I thought it was weird, for example, that Ned wasn't super pissed off that Peter ditched him at the party.

Yeah, I understand that. I think it makes sense that a 15 year old would make a bunch of stupid impulsive decisions. I never had a problem with that. But my point is that the movie never has Peter acknowledge the consequences his own irresponsible actions and learn a lesson from them. Which is weird, because it

With the bank robbers, if he had waited a moment to assess the situation, he clearly would have seen that they were carrying dangerous weapons. But even if he didn't see them, you don't jump to confront a bunch of armed robbers without considering the possibility of collateral damage. Stray bullets from a machine

"You're gonna get the vote right?…He better(braying laughter)…otherwise I'll say YOURE FIRED!"

Oh I don't find it hard to blame him:
-the criminals robbing the bank would have had no reason to use those weapons if Peter hadn't intervened
-if my friend had died because a grenade that I gave him for safekeeping had exploded, I would have found it pretty hard not to blame myself even if I didn't know it was a bomb.

What didn't you like about Homecoming? I liked Homecoming a lot overall, but I was really bothered by the fact that everything that happens in the movie is basically Peter's fault. The liquor store explosion, the ferry accident, the explosion in the Washington monument; all of these were situations in which someone

You're a stupid name!

Like the Matt Damon film The Good Shepherd, but not as funny or as exciting.

I prefer the americanized Aeris to Aerith. Aerith is a stupid name.

That whole interview, every beat of it is so perfectly calculated to make you think 'this guy is a douchebag', it's hard to believe that its not some sort of persona he's putting on. Like, it has to be a joke. Nobody is this much of a douche, right?

Wow, he sounds like an unironic hollywood handbook character.

Yup, thanks!

Do you have a link? I've generally liked t.j.miller in the past, so I want to know what he said.

I don't know, from what I've seen I think they've done a pretty good job with Pennywise, and seem to have a good understanding of what makes It scary. Other than that jump scare at the end, which I think might just be there for marketing to dumb teenagers, I like that a lot of the images of Pennywise that they've