
Man, this episode was perfect! I loved the scene of them just having breakfast, which I thought laid out their group dynamic really well.

Didn't he technically tell them to "Get lost"? How do you take that literally?

Yeah, though I was surprised to see that the soul was contained in a little gland. Having your soul extracted is not unlike getting a routine colonoscopy.

Lost pie-way

I'm gonna argue that they're actually not that talented, and that Game of Thrones is low-brow, though highly entertaining, soap-opera trash with dragons. That those hacks are behind this show is what worries me the most.

Of all the annoying things about Jim Lee's art, I think the worst thing is the way he draws hair. His hair looks like wet cake frosting, just random clumps of spikes and tendrils. He draws hair the way some artists draw the venom symbiote.

It'll be some twerp, like Alex Pettyfer or Ansel Elgort.

I wonder, if the people greenlighting these movies don't care about quality and just want to turn a quick buck, why don't they ever take a chance on a really interesting creative vision? I mean, why not? If they think they're going to make money anyway because it's a known property with a built in audience, what do

Thank you, you've saved me from ever watching the Time of the Wolf or Benny's Video. Fuck Michael Haneke (though I like Cache, and parts of the Seventh Continent).

That wouldn't surprise me in the least, they are that low rent.

Jesus, just that goofy, unenthusiastic smile on Pence and Trump's faces as they stare up at that bulldozer, like "yup, thats a big truck". And that sad little 'made in america' sign. What a rinky-dink, 8 year old's birthday party at chucky cheese's presidency we got going.

How the hell does Dale Cooper stay in shape like that? That guy eats nothing but pie, coffee, more pie, donuts, cake, and pancakes. I don't think I've ever seen him eat anything healthy, he should weigh 300 pounds!

They'll even spoil a movie before showing the same movie. Both Spiderman and Baby Driver featured completely unnecessary 'thank you' videos that spoil every cool thing that happens in the movie you're just about to watch! Why? Just why? Not cool, movie studios!

It's pretty good. I depicts characters in much more realistic living circumstances than is usually seen on t.v. (she lives in what looks like an average 1 bedroom in a crappy apartment building). It's also nice to see an LA set show that isn't from the perspective of rich beverly hills people, and has basically

Im okay with this. Then when they run out of ideas, they can do a crossover where she meets up with Bond and, I don't know…hey, this trash writes itself!

I keep struggling with this show because I dislike Jessie so much. He was really charming last week when he was on his own, going from club to club and charming that lady, but he's usually a complete jerk to Tulip, and especially Cassidy.

She's also pretty good in Happy Christmas as an irresponsible, completely unlikable and selfish drunk.

Oh ok. The article says her only ability is talking to squirrels, so I was confused.

I don't know anything about Squirrel Girl, but if her only superpower is the ability to talk to squirrels, but she's managed to beat Thanos and Dr.Doom, how does that actually work? Does it make any sense in terms of plot, or is it just some wacky, non-canonical shit?

Boy that new Jumanji movie looks dire.