
I guess JEROME couldn’t be reached for comment. 

Indiana Jones & the Search for the Vril

I guess he could fight Nazi’s again. Seems like there are always Nazi’s around, even now. WHY THE HELL ARE THEIR STILL NAZIS!!!!!!?!?!??!

Dude, just show us your phones.

Yell at your Rumba. 

...try to take over the WORLD!

How’s that movie end again?

*writes down “assbeefs” in notes for future use


More like a poopy “new image.”

Anytime I randomly think of something like a funny pun like “Sneezus,” I type it into Google Images, and almost every time, someone has already thought of it and made an image of it. Blows my mind.

I can count the number of times things turned violent on exactly zero fingers.

Imagine being Anti-Earth?

They say to dress for the job you want. I guess she wanted to be a super villain.

Find him in person and look into those blue eyes. Then you will see Pine in all his glory.

Trump at one point attempted to hijack his own limo and steer it towards the ongoing riot.

  • Britney Spears’s ex-husband Jason Alexander will stand trial after crashing her wedding earlier this month, reportedly while armed with a knife. [Billboard]

Philistines love a public forum.

Well we know he is, indeed, pro laps.