
It is indeed a false equivalence - Trump, for all his lies and shenanigans, has never worked for the government or as an elected official. Clinton has for many years. Her raisins in the muffin are those of a career politician, answering (and lying) to the public, while Trump’s are those of a private citizen. That’s

I hope she’s using non toxic low vapor paint. For your health.

No they are both pieces of shit. If you’re single and knowingly hook up with a committed person you are as much a piece of shit as the committed person.

This is what I find hilarious about both parties. If you kiddies don’t remember there was a women by the name of Sarah Palin who was in the GOP ticket as the VP for Mccain now that Halloween a gentlemen in LA hung a Palin figure on his house with a sign etc etc. Liberals thought it was so funny and not sexist at all.

1999? None of those players was even in the NFL yet.

Yeah, I remember the uproar when Yoffe put out an article in which she implied that maybe college girls should think twice about getting majorly wasted since it makes you an easier target. She was promptly lambasted by legions who insisted that women shouldn’t have to modify their behavior, that rape is the fault of

White privilege

I wasn’t spanking Hilary, I was just trying to get a rare gummi Venus di Milo that was stuck to her pants.

I thinking about all the comments I have read on here, I presume from women, talking about how they want to face punch Cruz or Trump.

I’m sorry, but I don’t think “beat her rear end” is actually meant to mean “spanking.” I’ve used the term “beat his/her ass” many times in my life and I’m a woman. Am I missing something here or are you reaching?