
Honest question, what makes Hilary the most qualified candidate ever? She was a senator(only elected cause she was the first lady) which to me being elected doesn’t mean anything. Anyone with connections or money can get elected doesn’t mean your qualified. She was nominated to secretary of state, again she has

I hope she’s using non toxic low vapor paint. For your health.

Ehh who cares. Why put him in solitary. If he wants to end his life let him end it. That’s his choice to make.

They shouldn’t unseal these records. They haven’t done before with other divorces, why do it now. But most people here will want it unsealed just because it’s a candidate they don’t want.

You’re wrong, they ask that question for a lot of crimes. Car accidents, domestic violence, assault etc etc. Was there any drugs involved. It should be asked, if you are going to accuse someone of rape they have to know. It sucks that it has to happen but it does that person accused is innocent until proven guilty.

Thank you. I have said it before and I when you do you get blasted for victim blaming. I don’t understand why it is not ok to tell college kids that you need to protect yourself don’t drink to much you become a target and or make decision you wouldn’t make. It works both ways to for those rapist out there looking for

No they are both pieces of shit. If you’re single and knowingly hook up with a committed person you are as much a piece of shit as the committed person.

This is what I find hilarious about both parties. If you kiddies don’t remember there was a women by the name of Sarah Palin who was in the GOP ticket as the VP for Mccain now that Halloween a gentlemen in LA hung a Palin figure on his house with a sign etc etc. Liberals thought it was so funny and not sexist at all.

You do know Trump got roasted and was fine with it. When has he shown he can’t take a joke.

How are they going to make up for the tax revenue that is now gone? They should increase the sales tax for everything so we don't have to cut funding to crucial programs

Glad you can finally realize that. It's super perverted.

GOAT? I would say yes but it’s tough conspiring era’s people love to use stats to prove their points but sometimes stats miss the mark. My buddy never watched Jordan play but because if stats he says he is the best, can't really fault him but having watch games where a player plays ok or not good but fills a stat

I love reading the comments on these sites. You people get worked up over the dumbest things. You are complaining about a guy who said he would spank his opponent, does no one on here watch sports? You know how many guys tell other guys they are going to spank them in what ever activity they are about to do? Stop