
All of the fucked up, missing the point, bullshit comments are from Kotaku readers, right? -_-

And I'm saying that until men are the ones who have to spend 10 months being incubators, they don't need to be deciding if/when women have the right to an abortion. What happens once a child is in the world is another matter entirely. And I'm so sorry that it scares you that a woman could destroy your unborn child

Stay on subject, dude. That's not what is being discussed here. You've just moved to a completely different topic.

It actually is "just [my] body". I get to make the decisions about what's going to happen to it. You and the government can fuck off.

Pinterest would be for dudes if more dudes joined and pinned their dude things. I'm not super into the site, but I'll pin things that I think are cool so I can look back on them later. I've got a board of funny pics, a political board, and even an architecture board. The random people Pinterest suggested I follow were

You're a virtuous virgin, right? And you will only ever have sex when the goal is to get a woman pregnant, right? We're talking, she shows you the little plus sign on the stick and that's it! No more sexy times until the next round of baby making commences, yes?

Ah, yes, but it's only the WOMAN taking the risk. (What a whore.) It's the woman who would have to walk around pregnant while people check her left hand to see if there's a ring. It's the woman who would have to fight the man for child support. It's the woman who is being judged for not wanting to have a child. A

I wish I could promote you.

I get the feeling that you're anti-abortion and that's that. No amount of logic or reasoning will get to you.

For the purposes of this discussion, yes, I would say that a fetus becomes a person with it's own rights once it's born. Until then, it's the life of the host (aka the pregnant woman) that should matter. Her body, her decision. As a person (which seems to be very important in debates on abortion), she should have

Wanting/needing an abortion isn't always about an "inconvenience", which, by the way, is an understatement. A long wait at a restaurant is an "inconvenience". Having to carry a fetus to birth is a bit more complicated and difficult. And I'm with SarahMC... until the fetus is no longer inside the mother, it's a

It's been done.

Wow, you're a dick.

I'm not a gamer. I don't like video games, card games, or internet games. My boyfriend, however, is a huge gamer. He likes all of the above. And despite being 35, he's totally into the Pokemon card game. And so are his best friends. They gather about once a month and play. They spend hours sorting their cards

I love the entire series, although the sex alien thing was just too fuckin' weird. Everyone is right, though. Children of the Earth is probably the best. Things start to get really dramatic at the end of the second season, too.