
The thing that makes the iPad appealing for me is the low cost and the fact that I don't have to get a contract through Verizon or another wireless company. Sure, you can get the Xoom without the contract, but only for a few hundred more than the iPad.

Any clue on when it'll be available in other stores? I have a massive Target gift card that I was going to use to buy one. I've been hanging on to it for months, waiting to get the iPad 2.

@Sed_Quis_Custodiet...: Oh yeah, we have more than one airport! One is Intercontinental, aka Bush. You were probably there. Maybe you were there on Go Texan Day... otherwise, I have no explanation for why you would see so many people dressed like they were on a cattle roping mission.

@Sed_Quis_Custodiet...: Yikes, which airport were you stuck in?? I have no cow, so I don't need a cowboy hat. I'll be traveling in a few months... maybe after the TSA has their way with me I'll check out the stores in my terminal. ;)

At this point, if there isn't some crazy newsworthy shit going down in the security area next time I fly, I'm going to be really, really disappointed.

@OkayOctane: Main concern, no. But a concern? Yeah.

@fastactingrelief: Here's an example of what the current technology looks like.

Getting conservative Republican themed e-mails from my brother because he thinks it's hilarious to piss me off is a shitastic way to start a Sunday. It makes me all stabby. Getting to "reply all" with a Jesus-as-Glenn-Beck cartoon, however, made it better.

@DonnaPirana: Her speech made me smile. People rarely make jokes when they win an Oscar, and I love that she did.

@coloredmaps: True that. And I forget that when I'm here, I'm not chatting with my real-life friends who know my experiences and where I'm coming from.

@coloredmaps: As I said to knightgee, since I didn't hear all of the albums nominated (and to me, hearing just the singles doesn't count) I'm not making a judgment on whether or not she should have won over anyone else. I'm just saying that she's a good songwriter and seems deserving of success and that I hope there

@knightgee: I didn't say talent shouldn't matter. I think she's a more talented songwriter than singer, but she's still a decent singer.

@sarasasa: I think in this case, they're coming from very different situations, and they're very different people. Just like the saying goes, "Age is just a number." GaGa has been on her own for a while and delved into an extreme scene, meanwhile Taylor Swift, well ... didn't. They might be similar in age, but

I hope there isn't backlash. I've got respect for her because she writes her own songs. I feel that's her real strength. And, she seems like a genuinely nice girl! There are enough assholes in the music industry who should get the backlash. She deserves the success.

Yo, Jamie Foxx... I'm happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Britney Spears is the best lipsyncer of all time!

@vanka-vstanka: Write as much as you want, then edit. Word conservation!