
On the broadcast, the announcers were apologizing for Burfict’s hit, saying it didn’t look intentional and ‘he had just lost his balance.’


Mark Cuban is election Santa.

If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.

Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.

You can take the boys out of Candlestick, but you can’t take Candlestick out of the boys.

I’m going to play the city/state-funded stadium contrarian here (to which someone should feel free to cite endless studies in objection which I will never read) and say that DC has played its stadium and funding cards pretty well and to good effect. I believe Abe Pollin paid for the Verizon Center entirely, although

Clear the whole section out until someone squeals.

I’m so sick and tired of you liberals endangering my children with allowing sexual deviants and predators into their bathrooms.

I’m always amazed that anybody goes to any NFL game.

I’m sure the Rams are doing this on purpose so that people will be dying for a nice new stadium and be willing to pay $500 for nosebleed seats to watch a crap team by the time it opens in a few years.

“Can you cycle back on, by Thursday?”

Rohan Davey and Michael Bishop are sad at your lack of memory.

Let’s hope we get to see them ride off into the sunset together.

Now playing

Stuff like this helped his image rehab tour of 2016:

There’s no team in baseball more grateful than the Yankees that Ortiz is retiring.

It’s hard to say he’s won, given that the issue he’s protesting is still there, and who knows if this drives us any closer to better policing, but yeah, drawing support from other players is much better than the immediate blackballing I’d have expected from a backup QB creating a media distraction. Maybe the NFL is

Other teams that will wear white include the Browns

You must be new to MMA and have never seen the Bigfoot vs Hunt fight.