
Yup, that scumbag also repeatedly stomped on Blount’s ankle and foot. Thats why he came out of that pile wanting to take a swing at him. Get rid of this guy or fine him like Suh to get him to stop intentionally trying to injure people.

You should have gone down to that area before the stadium was there (oh yeah, you would have NEVER gone down there before) and compared it to what it looks like today. I’m generally on the side of not funding these things, but you can’t deny with your own eyes what has happened along the Anacostia. I’ve been down

take everyone’s beers away and see how fast they talk. absolute crap

and its better than Toronto’s

If King Joffrey had children this is what they would look like

Loser? Oh, I think not. He was married to Jennifer Aniston, then dumped her for an upgraded model (A. Jolie), and now after having her for arguably her best years is moving on to a newer and better model. Add that up with his charity work in NoLa and his movie career and you have my hero.

Bring on the CUBS!!!!

Wow, is this just a staff filled with SJWs?

The real question here is: How are you going to get Todd Gurley going? He’s killing my fantasy team with this crap

That Chip Kelly offense still needs a few tweeks

Ronda’s boyfriend looked like a shell of his former self. That coach is absolute poison

Travis Browne got stuck listening to his girlfriend and used her horrible coach and it showed up in the results.

0.00% chance that the Cards score 48 points on this Pats defense. I’d be very happy with 31 pts by Jimmy though

I’ve played the game...... that was a team effort designed to maim an opposing player. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were bounties involved (again, I played so I know this happens).

Screw the NFL protocol. You need to stop the hits to the head in the first place by throwing out the headhunters. Then you wont have a need for the protocol

I’m not a fan of either team, but what happened last night is the beginning of the end of the NFL. The Broncos were intentionally going after Cam’s head in an attempt to injure him and it took the refs 4 freakin quarters to throw even ONE flag against them. This league cannot survive when its star players are being

I’m guessing you haven’t watched many of these roasts before. They almost always have things like this and far far worse. The “I would F her with Bea Arthur’s Dick” is one the more famous lines that Jeff Ross has delivered

They made the video private?

Or ask David Ortiz....... you know, the guy who lives there now, is revered by all Sox fans and became a citizen of the US recently. If you want to bring up Russell then you’d better be prepared to take on everything that was going on in the country race-wise in the 60s.