DJ Burn


They had also never adapted a book into a movie before.

I think this is also true of Kenny in the earlier South Parks.

Thank you!

What I love about Boomhauer is that his dialogue *does* make sense in its own way - lots of repeated words and hard to decipher but it is always relevant to the conversation at hand, not random nonsense 

They probably force their delivery drivers to do it between stops.

“If you’re using a soundbar,” Bondelevich said, “Get the best soundbar you can afford. And if you’re listening on your earbuds or headphones, get good headphones. If it’s a noisy environment, get over-the-ear headphones. They do really isolate sound much better and do not use noise canceling headphones because those

I recently re-watched Crimson Peak, every filmmaker working today should take a lesson in lighting from that movie. It’s good modern special effects on top of a modern take on 70s/80s colored gel lighting used to great effect. There’s no reason for the lazy way nearly everything is lit these days.

That wouldn’t have worked. I mean, who can imagine OJ Simpson as a violent guy, let alone a remorseless killer?

This is a major violation of the WARN Act, which you may recall as the thing that started the ball rolling on the complete destruction of Telltale Games. And a lawsuit has already been filed. I’m staying on Twitter to look it in the eye as it dies.

How can you say ‘Artless’? He’s the main antagonist.

For eff’s sake, can you PLEASE include the place we can watch it in the review box? Many of us scroll down to see the grade, but skip the article so we can watch with fresh eyes. It’s so simple, just add a line that says Netflix or Disneymountcock+ or whatever. We’ve been asking for this FOREVER.

Kílla Lord Cassidy” sounds like a rapper who is destined to have a prolific yet tragically short career.

James Corden cribbing from Ricky Gervais is like one chimp throwing another chimp’s turd at the zoo.

Tim is a genius—or he certainly was in his most creative years.

I’m wondering how far we take this.

They’ve already established that his character can narrate from the afterlife. Maybe it’s about Christopher and Bobby haunting a house together.

He turned down the opportunity to spoon with Salma Hayek???