DJ Burn

Haven’t seen these - well that was fucking rad. Is that the Dark Sabre Maul pulls out at the end?

Born in 1994 in an underground railway station in London, England, Springer spent his earliest years fleeing Nazi occupation of Germany

I recently read a collection by noted racist and xenophobe H.P. Lovecraft and it included a simple and eloquent disclaimer that I felt was adequate. To paraphrase, it said “Societal standards have evolved in the decades since these works were authored. The language and ideas used in these stories are in some instances

I tell this to everyone; your actions should be deeply what you believe in. And so, Dave, doing that movie, fighting to be in that movie, begging [director Denis Villeneuve] to be in that movie, and then delivering in that moment, he didn’t know it, but that was where his career was going to take off and be

Do they? Lol. I haven’t seen it. 

Waaay closer in appearance and physicality than Tom Hardy (who I thought did a passable job, silly voice aside)

Once again Dave Bautista proves himself to be one of the most self-aware, realistic, humble and level-headed A-listers working today. May his career be long, successful and varied

It ways ALS in the article - did they fix that?

Mr. X[-Files] to the Z!

...her husband Arnold (David Duchovny) is obsessed with rapper Xzibit.

I do not have enough words to express the depth of affection and nostalgia I have toward these books. They were my very favourite when I was very young, and I loved reading them to my own kids when they were very young. Just thinking about some of the stories (the lost button, the letter, the nightmare, alone, ugh) put

Six white supremacists, snow white supremacists...


One word: Warlock. Great, fun 80s horror. Hope he’s OK. A high school friend of mine just died in an avalanche near where his younger brother died two years ago in BC. Not matter that he died doing what he loved, which is true, he left a huge gaping hole behind in his wife and children’s lives.

“The Pistenbully snow groomer began sliding causing Renner to exit the vehicle without setting the emergency brake,” reads the sheriff’s report obtained by CNN.

I was assuming ‘fetishize’ and now I’m mildly disappointed

Moana not in the top 5, let alone 10, let alone 20? GTFO

Imagine being 53, at the top of your profession, and in a position to just be like, “I think I’ll retire and swim and garden in Australia with my mom for the rest of my life.” Life goals, indeed

This is also the name of my 80's-themed adult film!

Excellent plot blow-by-blow plot summary, as with last week. Where is the review?