DJ Burn


He’s right about the stars in the 70s and 80s... Adam West was one cheeseburger away from a dad bod. Even though Christopher Reeves was broad-shouldered and had pecs and biceps he was hardly shredded, ditto Michael Keaton. Lou Ferigno was obviously enormous and cut but he started out as a body builder and got into

How do you know when it’s bedtime at Neverland Ranch? When the big hand touches the little hand. 

This will be terrible, and I’ll still love it, because Dolly. 

The Lost City was fun as fuck. I went to see it with my daughter and we both had a high old time. It was also awesome to see a gorgeous, late-50s female lead in a plausible relationship with a significantly younger male lead, which has always been fine with the older man and younger woman but this was fairly new to

For the love of all that’s holy, don’t go to her Instagram page if you think this one is bad. This is a perfect 10 compared to some of the things she’s posted lately - so much Botox she looks like shrink-wrapped cheesecake.

It’s remarkable that it was the streaming war’s never-ending push for content that finally convinced the US public that non-English films and TV were worth watching.  

From Wikipedia:

Me too... back when Sean O’Neal did the main newsfeed was my favourite era. 

Ture, but I still haven’t found a new site that scratches the itch like the old one did. Tom Breihan had me on Stereogum for a while but I miss the comments sections and I’m not wild on their layout. Any pop culture website suggestions?

I thought “Ghost Protocol” was the acknowledged best M:I sequel no?

His recent book is so fucking great. Absolute brain candy from start to finish and it’s like 500 pages. 

Kit and Jade shippers (do they have an official name?)

Still a welcome change. 

Congratulations on writing the first movie review on the AV Club in months if not years that is not 90% plot summary with a few comments on whether it was good or bad thrown in!

She’s been saying this for over ten years. What a jaw-dropper

Cool that Ellen Burstyn is reprising her role for the Exorcist sequel. I bet it’ll be “Burstyn” with scares. But seriously, nothing she does will ever be as disturbing as her movie-stealing role in Requiem for a Dream. “I’m going to be on television!”

If possible go in with zero expectations (my post may have ruined that) and do not watch the jump scare on YouTube before you see the flick. 

“First season”? Is there talk of additional seasons? I thought this was envisioned as a one-off from the start.

One of the all-time great action sequences. Nobody does it like JC