DJ Burn

I was traumatized by the original Exorcist as a young teen and so when part 3 came out I had mile high expectations. I saw it in the theatre with my dad and, expecting something like the first film, was finding it quite boring (slow burn indeed). I had kind of tuned out and my mind was wandering when that nurse scene

Ask Dave Coulier

I know him solely from a viral clip of him imitating an Eminem freestyle that is absolutely hilarious and bang-on

Love how this guy just smashes stereotypes while still ostensibly keeping it real. Like, he wants to do serious roles but he’s not all pretentious about it. Super humble as well. Quietly becoming one of my favourite actors.

I enjoyed the show up until episode 5 when it pivoted hard into sci-fi territory and I didn’t really like how the season ended so I’m not too heartbroken about this. That said, with another couple seasons maybe they could’ve done something really cool and original.  I didn’t finish Dark, but people rave about that...

Extremely true... look at Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, Kate Spade... 

Six years ago I lost my best friend to suicide... two weeks ago my other best friend attempted suicide and was saved in the nick of time... my transgender daughter recently revealed to us in therapy that she feels suicidal almost every day... it’s such a horrible thing. My heart is breaking

The ones in The Day After scared the shit out of me in the 80s and still look pretty cool.

highly quotable

I watch the 1951 A Christmas Carol every year by myself drunk on Christmas night and cry my eyes out when Tiny Tim runs into Scrooge’s arms and he scoops him up and plants him on his shoulders and jaunts down the lane. What a film

When one miner, another Mickey is 3-D printed to take his place.

I don’t know shit about Fleetwood Mac except for a handful of their big hits that I’ve always liked and I honestly just assumed the female vocalist was Stevie Nicks on “Everywhere” and “Sweet Little Lies,” two of my favourites of theirs. I’m glad I’m having my ignorance disabused, too bad it took her passing to do so.

I’ll have to check that out!

Now playing

This is the best Christmas/holiday album

I could never figure out why they chose French Canadian accents for those, and borderline offensive caricatures at that... but y’know, Lucas gonna Lucas.

Welcome to the AV Club. 

The LGBTQ+ character in question is Ethan Clade (voiced by The Daily Show’s Jaboukie Young-White), a teen gamer hungry for adventure and swooning over his bestie Diazo (Jonathan Melo), the youngest of a trio of Clade men at the story’s core.

Pie-eating contest in Stand By Me. Grossest (although I forgot about Mr. Creosote, which I see below - “It’s wafer-thin!”)

Nope I’m 44 and have seen a few Playboys in my day, but I never heard it referred to as having “won” Playmate of the Month - she just *was* POM. But you would “win” POY. Just the language that confused me I guess. 

Interesting list...