
Hey you’re right, you are annoying! ;)

GamerGate neckbeards need not apply.

That title track is amazing. Sounds like a long lost Chrono Trigger / Cross tune. Though maybe not a title track, more like one of the world themes.

So we have these gyms we fight over, and three teams that align with the three legendary birds. I feel like the turf war should in some way correspond with the ability to capture the legendary.. though I guess that would make it impossible to catch the legendaries from the opposing teams.

So am I reading this right that you don’t have to toggle between ammo types depending on if you want to heal or hurt? Thats pretty sweet. I’d play medic in TF2 more if that were the case lol.

Literally just snort laughed at work.


Totally agree man. And I feel like maybe what Zemo said was being mischaracterized? I mean one of the very last things he says is like when Bilbo is up in his grill asking him how it must feel to fail to break up the Avengers and he’s like “are you sure I failed?” *cut to strife amongst team* Unless I missed some

This is wack. TGIFridays over everything else.

Not cool. Swatting sucks, hope the swatters get caught.

But about this meme.. boy is it unfunny. Dude needs to quit riding Daniel’s dick.

So sorry to hear it Rich. :/

My cats stayed with my ex after the divorce. One of them got out one night (late fall) and she didn’t really know about it. Had snuck out when letting the dog out to pee. Temperatures dropped really low that night. Her boyfriend found him out back behind the shed the next day. He was dead,

1.) your personal experience does not translate to everyone else
2.) karma doesn’t actually exist so you might have bigger problems than cheating if you think it does

That “BOINK” sound effect in the GTA replay made me lose it.

I wasted too much time on this the first go around. Do yourself a favor people, cheat. Its not worth the time-sink. Life is for the living!

I don’t know about the beef or raw fish ones, but I’d certainly try those fried pork / shrimp based ones. That shrimp one looks downright delicious.

Ugh yeah that is pretty horrible, especially for new users. Guess I need to start crafting my missing GvG cards before they yank those packs. Ugh I’m missing so many legendaries from that pack too. Completionists are screwed. Feel like its going to force people into buying up packs that normally wouldn’t. >:|

Damn thats some low shit Kanye, bringing his kid into this. What a piece of shit. You let an attention whore trap you Kanye. She came to fame thanks to being Ray-Js girl. Would you like it if Ray-J said he owned North? I didn’t think so. Try to take the high road next time, maybe.

Congratulations on being a huge pussy that wouldn’t fuck Tammy. Sometimes you have to just LIVE.

Upper-case for the upper-crust. :P