
NYLO is a hotel chain (upscale, only a few locations), theres one near me I’ve stayed at a few times.

This story is sad, but for other reasons than you think. :P

HAHAH this is fucking nuts. Is she even wearing make-up? Or did they just digitally change images of her to clone images of real tribal women. WHY NOT JUST SHOW THE ORIGINALS? What is the point of the transformation? This is beyond vanity.


Disney does not approve, Devin.

Give her that D, cause that’s where I was born and raised in

I really loved the technology sort of traces we’ve seen in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I wouldn’t be mad if we get one game in a more technological world (but I don’t want it to be like FF where technology kindof overtakes the series).

Its such a good song. Its a nasty line but its so dirty its funny, I can understand why it would turn some people off. J Cole seems like a fairly class act so he gets a pass.

Haha whoever runs that twitter is doing God’s work. Its a nice touch that they capture the deleted tweets and repost those so those users can’t hide what assholes they are.

Yeah its probably gotten tough because people who paid money are waiting on the game, and the entirety of the fandom are waiting on the end of the comic (and they shell out money on merch too). Someones gotta wait. As long as its not both!

I mean, it sounds like they got scammed by their initial dev team. I wouldn’t go as far to call their Kickstarter an intentional scam though. But I would say it was a sketchy investment. No clear concept at the start, no prototype or anything. Just a rabid fanbase that would love to see a game involving the property.

I just was poking around and found off that the original team they were having develop the game basically did nothing but took the money (not sure if they were persuing legal actions, but they basically stole 700K or so?). Then they had to develop their own studio to do it in-house. Seems like its been dark since the


Came across as a dick, my apologies. I just thought it should be clear enough you didn’t have to ask.

Hahah yeah, are you deft? Pretty obvious, no? Context.

Hah well.. good luck with that! Don’t count on Kotaku discussions to get you very far with that lol. :)

None of this sounds like it has to do with special treatment of girls, and all to do with traditional gender roles/stereotypes (which are a result of living in a patriarchy forever) and how they are still being enforced on the male end of the spectrum. I’m not going to say its not a problem, but thats a far cry from

Right so why chime in then though? You’re fueling some MRA neckbeard’s fire. :P

Make up your mind then, is it sexy or sexual that concerns you about this image? Because the complaint isn’t that women in comics look sexy, its that they are oversexualized. And you said its a sexy pose, but not sexual. So which is it? If anything it looks like Batman is going to take a dump on us. If thats the type

You do realize that you’re latching on to radical feminism, as if its regular feminism? Much like you probably latch on to radical Islam. Any ideology taking to a radical extreme is awful. That doesn’t mean the normal version has no merit. Seriously the fact that you need to stick up for men, when we have existed in

Sexy to who exactly? Ever think that maybe artists like to pick angles that are unique and different once in awhile to mix things up? Its mostly leg muscles you’re looking at. Not that much ass. No package to speak of. Y’all have issues.

Mens rights! Mens rights!
Women, amirite? So uptight! Let us men be men! Get back in the kitchen!

The fact that you feel the need to take a stand in this article just shows you’re the one with the problem.