
No you’re not. There’s nothing sexual about that image. So you’re just being a dick. An unfunny one at that.

Ugh yes. I can’t listening to this without crying. Not sure if its nostalgia or just how melancholy it is.

That number 8 is definitely horrible enough to be ranked worse, if not worst. That a damned crime against humanity.

I’ve also been a little worried reading plot theories and stuff that this trilogy is going to ape the original trilogy or parallel it a little too much. I think it will be an enjoyable film either way, but I’d like it to bring some new stuff to the table.

I thought that was one of Wiley’s fortresses sliding into the frame. Took a minute to register what it actually was. :P

8-bit Cinema sucks. They should just stop.

Well its not graphic, they seem to have edited it during the moment of impact, both visually (video fades out and back in) and audibly (or else the recording device got thrown around and the crash was too loud that it doesn’t pick up the expected audio / crash sounds).. so I was actually expecting something more

*shes pops that garter strap*

Damn, and they were wearing their seatbelts too.

You said exactly what I wanted to say. It should be okay to call it weakness. It takes great strength or a helping hand to get yourself out of a situation like that, and we don’t always have that. People can be weak — you just can’t blame them for being weak, or their circumstances. Everybody has failings.

This is beyond mortifying. Bad enough to get your ass handed to you. Fuck.

Something tells me a priest wouldn’t work...

Seriously. Not all pizza is the same. Sometimes its acceptably greasy, and sometimes its greasy as fuck. Nothing wrong with sponging a little off. Don’t know how this could possibly be taken as rude. Its not like Papa Johns in the back room, crying.. “Look what they’re doing to my pizza!!”

mama mia!

I liked the little glitchy stuff that was happening at the end (not the full on hallucination but the quick stuff with the white background). Not quite sure what Lakitu’s all miffed about, not Mario’s fault you died buddy.

You did it! I witnessed!

Now playing

That was amazing. The nerd guys reflection in the monitor at the beginning reminded me of Dilbert 2 / 3.

The dynamic music system sounds great, I’d love to hear more of it! But the taste of it was quite good.

Yeah. Dunno how I feel about games with this sort of disconnect between the type of gameplay and the story its telling.