This was fantastic. You should do this sort of thing more often.
This was fantastic. You should do this sort of thing more often.
Jeez that guys sure got an arm on him, launching those mines like that, one-armed while driving. Lol.
Voted E, she's awesome. H was runner-up for me (looks like a friend of Astro Boy!), and C was third. A little too busy though. F could be tied for 2nd or 3rd but a bit too close to the original Roll. Lets go for something a little more original! :)
I used to fantasize about having a fake act for a talent show or something where me and my accomplices come out as like a fake band or something, then unveil potato guns and start firing hot potatoes at the audience as they scream in horror.
Yeah I noticed the ammo options were like "(Element) Spuds"... neat! :)
I'm pretty sure the main dude's weapon is a potato gun.
I was ready to complain about the lack of the LEXX but lo and behold, there it is.
Thats the reason the song is on here (more or less).. it comes from the skit or the meme of using that song, which was really used on the OC. Wasn't part of this scene.
Wont =/= won't
Whoa.. I didn't know that until right this minute! Thanks!
Thats one step for man, one giant leap for frogkind.
Every superhero must have the same backstory and personal motivations!
Ok I wasn't 100% sure. I couldn't tell if the nose-thing girl was her or Kreayshawn. She looks cuter then.
My son really likes MLP:FIM, and I enjoy it myself. I don't consider myself a Brony though, I think that indicates an element that is a bit more obsessive than a casual fan. I don't think theres anything wrong with being one (though I think Furry's are pretty disgusting, and theres some overlap here).
Who is the one with the glasses?
I'm not sure her flow is the problem, I think its her voice. I think I'd like this song if it was Juicy J singing it. Admittedly, I enjoy bad (commercial) rap.
Surviving the Game Ice-T belongs in that top five.
The VAs were surprisingly good too!