Same here. Shining Force II and Phantasy Star IV were my first RPG experiences.
Same here. Shining Force II and Phantasy Star IV were my first RPG experiences.
Here here. I loved Grandia 2.
oh i apparently dont know how to annotate the non-banner images correctly.
Uh.. this looks AMAZING! :D
Does he reveal at the end that he is, in fact, NOT Steve Jobs, and that we've all been Punk'd?
Boooo. Way to reach for the lowest hanging fruits.
It could only be Jared.
That guys 27? Makes me feel a little better about being 31.
Not sure if you meant both Advance Wars models, but they were both awesome! The one with the map may not have been as original / deviate much from the actual game, but it was neat to see the map components realized in 3-D like that. Could give that treatment to a lot of games!
The Canabalt one is amazing. Some of the rest are meh (of the ones highlighted here, I mean), though the Dishonored one is pretty nice.
*hilarious sports/suicide pun*
:/ Jesus guys. Let's maybe not joke about the deaths of women and children at least, okay?
I liked the game at first, but then my save got corrupted and I had to start over. I got pretty far again, and then they updated and added some new content, but the game slows down so much once you get to a point... becomes too much of a chore. And having to click the buildings so often to re-energize them sucks. The…
I hate Dr. Yang. This show has already killed off anyone I ever cared about, leaving me with nothing. NOTHING!
This is one of the best things I've ever seen. @___@
Yeah which do you think is more likely, hmm? :P
The music sounds pretty cool. Too bad this isn't a thing that happens more often... would probably feel more polished if this wasn't only the second performance lol.
That was actually pretty good!