
I know this sounds braggy because it is but I was at the Radio City show and she was so genuinely nervous and funny and loving toward the audience - she full-on wept after a standing ovation - and she just seems like she genuinely appreciates how lucky she’s been and adores her fans. (Also holy hell that woman’s voice

It is a sad day when I think that Bristol is less white trash than Kristin. #teamconventionalspelling

Bristol Palin named her baby Sailor. Kristin Cavallari named her babySaylor. Bristol says that’s a coincidence. I would like you to sail me away .

Now playing

OK, guess I should have saved my Adele clip for THIS article (unless Stassa, you wanna make a post all you own)

I think it’s so brave for women to talk about their experiences in this way - not matter what their decision was in the end. The more women talk honestly about their own experiences, and whether they chose to have an abortion or not to have an abortion, to keep the baby to raise themselves or to give birth and give

I chuckled at the idea of World Toilet Day this morning...then I saw this:


At the very least, it’s a hell of a drug.

That Amy Schumer thing sounds pretty much like an extremely overblown situation mostly made up by the magazine. Like, if I was famous and I was being turned away for forgetting my membership card, I think that’s one scenario where “You know who I am” is pretty valid since it’s unlikely someone would be pretending to

Forget that wig.

My boss assigned me a research memo and I was like “I dunno, man, I have plans to be doing girls tonight.” and he was like “Doing girls only lasts one night but this memo is forever.”

I wish they’d asked about this horrible wig.

Ramona, but only in the first three episodes of any given season and the last five minutes of the finale.

I wish I wasn’t cynical enough that this doesn’t surprise me.

Elie Weisel, author of the legendary Holocaust autobiography, Night, once reprimanded a letter writer by saying, essentially, “ I do not give you permission to compare your suffering to mine. Our suffering is relative, and fills our own cups up equally.” Which I think is the essential lesson here. Our lives and our


White people flip shit when an entirely fictional character isn’t white. Seriously, test a black Spider-Man or a Latino Batman and see what happens.

I thought this was really going to be about a “party plane” :(

UGH as an epileptic person, there is nothing that sounds less appealing, but shine on, you crazy diamonds.

Can we just settle this right quick: is Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?