
You fucking moron, that's because we had nearly wiped out the measles thanks to the vaccine. Now that idiots like you are wiping out herd immunity thanks to your medical degrees from Bullshit University, the infection rate is going up, and the death rate is going to rise commensurate with it. And how about you compare

You are wrong. So very wrong. These vaccines were invented because measles CANNOT be dealt with "very effectively" with anything you pretend it can be. That's why they were invented, you blithering moron bastard liar. Vaccinate your children.

You're a fucking moron.

My first boyfriend had a hippie mother who didn't get her kids vaccinated. He caught mumps as a child which left him infertile. His mother constantly badgered him for grandchildren and it took all my effort not to straight up punch her in the face.

I once had a young mother tell me that she was against all form of vaccination because you get vaccinated for others, not for yourself, and thst she didn't get why she should risk the life of her kids to save others.

This is thing that really disgust me of anto-vaxxers is how they look down on autistic people, including their own children!

I was a cold war baby, and had the childhood diseases. I had measles *everywhere* including lesions under my finger and toe nails, my buttcrack and inside my mouth. My mom kept me in a dark room because of the risk of eye damage. When I had whooping cough, it turned into rheumatic fever, giving me both a heart

Nobody still knows what causes autism, but we do know the horrible effects of not vaccinating against highly dangerous yet preventable diseases. Finding scapegoats for not implementing your safeguards is very irresponsible.

Who's trolling whom? Seriously.

That picture doesn't look much different than GTC today, except for the lighting. There appear to be some shitty stores and some weird stuff (that clock on the side).

"Holy shit, that's thing is huge.


No, it was a joke at Cosby's expense. It wasn't directed at any woman but him. Two different things.

this is my day job.

Fuck off, chubby

They also slammed her for not wearing pearls. McCray responded that she couldn't; the police were too busy clutching them.

I don't know....
I kind of like mine better (Not perfect but it works I think^^):

Definitely not siding with the NYPD here, but that suit is hideous.