
I don't get why this is allowed to continue to go on from either side, quickly frankly. Either, he has some kind of mental issue, and as such should be given a waiver. Or he has a correctable behavioral issue and should be dealt with accordingly. Short of some actual mental illness, this guy should be able to walk

Hookers, drugs, gambling, all of the above?


The way "Front-Running Douchebag" just rolls off the tongue is beautiful with the only problem being that he's not running in front of anyone or anything, literally or figuratively.

This kind of tells me he can't be serious about running for president. He can't be so stupid as to think that this kind of petty trolling doesn't hurt him, right? It's like he wakes up every morning and asks himself "who should I piss off, today?" Let's believe for a moment that he's the one native Jersey fan of

Honestly, fucking with the mayor's wife for something they thought she wore? Like, they are literally out of control.

Can I just say that the press in Ann Arbor has been absolutely insufferable? I mean, I'm a Spartan, but it's even beyond that. It's like Jesus came back down there. It's disgusting. I've always taken Ann Arbor to be a fairly staid place, but it's like a bunch of high schoolers who finally found out that their