
Andre Braugher from Brooklyn 9-9 (i think), but I will always love him from Homicide - Life on the Street.

Y’know, a narcissistic sociopath is one of the few people that should have an easy time comforting families. You go in, repeat words of condolence you’ve seen others give, get praised by the media. The extra confidence from lacking empathy might even make you seem like a pillar of strength, whereas someone capable of

I tried to look, but I don’t speak Russian.

I mean, why were you shocked? The Brexit supporters voted to leave the EU mainly based on anti-immigration policies proposed by the Leave campaigners. Evolved, my ass.

Sidebar: Monet’s history lesson about how British accents came to be was a delightful fairytale refuted immediately

The Guardian just updated its original report with evidence of the incident in question.

Rick “Jazz Hands” Santorum and anyone else spewing this level of stupid should have to tour a morgue after a shooting and see what exactly they are dealing with. How you going to do CPR when there is no chest left, Rick? Where do you do compressions if the heart is pretty much gloppy soup?

I posted this on another article, but since angry Leslie is literally my avatar, repeat posting seems ok:

I’m surprised the NRA even knows Parks & Rec, I guess there are no decent Duck Dynasty memes.

Now playing

I have nothing useful to add, but like a cishet white dude I’m gonna add something anyway: Richard Ashcroft wants his look back. Oh... wait... no, sorry. He says you can keep it.

especially how desperate, Trump is

Vomiting but when you’ve vomited up all that’s left so your in heaving pain and all that’s coming up is some bile and mucus and you wanna die. And you know your body will just do it again in twenty minutes.

Confession: the more I hear this song, the more I like it. I don’t want to like it but the heart wants what it wants.

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

Donny boy thought it would be a jolly jape to run for the highest office, lose, and get another book deal with the by line “Donald Trump Former Presidential Candidate) out of it. Then he won.

Now everything he touches turns to shit before his very eyes; almost like Midas, but you know with shit instead of

AGAIN: This should not be a serious surprise to anyone. They knew exactly what they were voting for and getting: