
You’re repeating a nonsensical myth that animal rights folks love to spread.

Pigs are just as clever, affectionate, expressive, curious and playful as dogs. There is nothing in the world pigs love more than having their tummies scratched. They get this look of pure bliss on their faces

You could argue the same for any kind of meat. It’s funny how different societies arbitrarily see some kinds of meat as okay and others as not. A friend of mine was horrified when I told her that one of my grandfathers farmed rabbits for meat. There are Peruvian paintings of the last supper where one of the dishes is

I swear... I don’t get why this site fawns over her so much.. especially considering she said this:

Maybe it was one of those Queer chicken Caesar salads, and it just can’t vibe with you, Cardi.

lolz i clicked on this article like SHIT SHIT WHAT HAPPENED TO PURITY RING???? thank god it’s just those lame rings, not the cool band.

Yeah, Chidi’s inflexibility here seemed somewhat contrived to me, after everything that went down already. I bought it in the first itineration, when Chidi got all tortured about lying to protect Eleanor after she tells him about her true identity, especially since, at the time, he had some reason to fear that lyying

Like failing schools losing funding, we are then surprised they continue to fail.

You know what? We should pick on them too.

What are you even talking about? Amy Schumer has been dragged all over this website.

It’s plain that if someone works with a problematic asshole, like Max, and examples of his doucheitude, despite his claims of being a matured changed person, show up in that collaborative work, then it’s worth mentioning that the collaboration happened.

Yeah, I would think any woman with an ounce of self-respect having her work claimed by Tucker Max would be news on Jez. Max is a sociopath who probably believes he can make up for years and years of sexist and racist garbage by claiming association with Haddish. It’s not Haddish’s fault a fucking monster creep is

Tiffany Haddish is not having her moment because she was the one who chose to work with him. Simple math. Blame her decision making. By the by - she is completely one note - amusing enough but watching her on SNL was like listening to a broken skipping record of shrill noises that eventually fall empty on the ears.

Dude, what?

Tucker Max’s name ain’t even on the cover, so why is he even trying to get shine as the co-writer right now?

If Amy Schumer had chosen him as a ghost writer/co-author you really don’t think Jez would be having a field day with this?

i don’t know, the fact that he’s now making her book all about himself? that’s definitely something. 

Hilariously, a quick google tells me her one real diagnosis was osteopenia — the pre-precursor to osteoporosis, mostly caused by a poor diet, being underweight and smoking, so it was only a matter of time before Gwyneth had that. She just needed to start taking some calcium+D chews, like most middle-aged women.

But.. your sister’s family wouldn’t die because her extended family is smart enough /able to intervene? That’s not stupid people getting their stupid rewards, for the record. If your sister didn’t have extended family to intervene, then she would reap her stupid person rewards. If you really think this culls the herd

I base all of my conclusions on published, peer-reviewed scientific literature.