It seems like a small scale roaster found a problem and did the responsible thing. Am I missing something?
It seems like a small scale roaster found a problem and did the responsible thing. Am I missing something?
Probably a joke, but I feel compelled to mention that one of the main villains of the story is ACTUALLY an alien version of a juggalo. ICP features in a few scenes. There’s almost certainly a cross section in the fandoms...
Oh, now let me tell you! There was one troll named Gamzee that was a juggalo. No joke.
I’m not “fabulously sized.” I am a fat woman who wears size 18. I just want clothes.
Who ever came up with this is a patronizing idiot.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
You can join at any point for as much or as little time as you wish. This isn’t a marathon you must begin and finish. It is an organic outpouring of love.
I know for a lot of these people will sign up to do a leg of the journey. So if they have Monday off they will walk from Charlottesville to Commonwealth, but maybe not join in for the rest of it.
Nobody is going to point out the British Army wasn’t deployed to Tunisia or Morocco in any part of the 1800's huh?
Here’s another scenario:
I went into to my Scientology auditing session with a healthy dose of skepticism and doubt. But my e-meter results and the interpretation offered by the adherents was a deep experience of self realization that relieved a lot of anxiety. Nobody should mock my new devotion to Scientology.
a) because those that fleece people of their money should be ridiculed
b) because the more woo one believes in the more likely they will believe in other woo and boom anti-vaxer.
I would be interested in how the regression therapists deal with the likelihood that there are more people alive today than have ever lived before. Or, even if that isn’t fully accurate (its hard to calculate), there are definitely more people alive today than survived past infancy in the past. With that in mind,…
This article is way more thoughtful than the song or video deserves. It’s cliched watered down hip hop. I wish that a woman could get this kind of attention for making more thought provoking music. About something other than her fancy shoes and money. (I’m glad she got her teeth fixed though).
To see a fresh and talented female rapper racking up the accolades is always good,
Yep. It is basically just pantomime of a different colonial power that they’ve determined is more authentically black.
Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?
Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?
It’s a false equivalence thing. Nobody suggested taking down Washington or Jefferson monuments. To steal from the McSweeny’s article, removing the confederate statues is like removing a tumor. Removing all Washington/Jefferson monuments would be like removing a broken finger- not necessarily the best course of action…
I don’t get why that’s shitty, if you’ll pardon my asking?