
WTF? You can't just expect someone to be thrilled to accept your prom-posal! And then go crazy when they don't! That's so insane. Very creepy and I'm sorry it happened at your school. I have no idea where these guys get the idea that girls have some obligation to be interested in them.

There can be benefits to victims to going through the university - lower standard of proof, shorter hearing and quicker action. If this woman had gone to police she would have to prove in court she was raped, which may not be possible or pleasant.

See ya, Beiber!

I would urge all the people who feel rage to consider using that anger to try to make some difference in kids' life. I've worked on enough custody cases to tell you that this level of abuse is not uncommon. If you have the resources to do specialized foster care, consider it. If not, work at volunteer at Boys and

Alec Baldwin is less sad if you imagine Jack Donaghy saying the things that come out of his mouth.

"I won't be in tomorrow, Lemon, I'm being subpoenaed by the Gay Department of Justice."

Yeah, heard this argument before. It's a lazy one at best, frankly. It goes into the whole "you vote with your dollars" mentality, which puts the burden of better behavior on the consumer (who, frankly, cannot always afford to do so - there's a reason so many people disapprove of yet still shop at Walmart) instead of

The problem is that when feminism is something marketed it's linking its arms with capitalism, which most feminists worth her salt are pretty critical of. If the ideology is made into something you have to purchase, then it's not worth having at all.

Good. I'm tired of Jezebel telling me she's my "BFF".

Oh, so you "have a black friend". Go on, tell me more. While you're at it, take another sociologically-incorrect swipe at a culture to which you don't belong - you're last one gave me a good chuckle. I don't think you are a racist for disagreeing with me - I think you're a racist for your gross comment about

Aww boo-hoo, poor white people! It's not enough that they have every advantage just given to them, they have to be protected from bullies too!

It's the pompadour.

I never realized how good-looking he is. He's really really ridiculously good-looking.

The misgendering was a nice touch and goes very well with who you are.

Let's go line-by-line.

Ah, sorry to nitpick even further, but a lot of trans people have explained that they don't feel like they were born male and became female (or born female and became male). The way Cox describes herself is "assigned male at birth." There's a distinction between "male at birth" and "assigned male at birth." Some trans

This is misogynistic as well. You've taken an article about the problems of women and you've tacked on, "but what about the poor menz"?
What you say is true, but this is not the place or that discussion.
Thank you for proving the bloggers point. sort of relevant! I'm not one for over-sharing myself but it is nice to be able to look back on the year with more than just my foggy memory.

Going to just leave this here because it is really pretty and I want it. I'm so short in the torso that if I wore it, there would be very little midriff showing, but I'd be infinitely more comfortable in a skirt and top than a dress.

As a King fan, I'm actually pretty excited about this. I really like that Pierce is focusing more on the mother/daughter dynamic and I'm really hoping that the ending is expanded to include more of the book's original ending.